When did someone first comment about weight loss/results?

When did you first get comments about your weight loss or results? How many weeks and pounds into your "journey"? What did they say?



  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    i guess it was my mom. she said i looked too thin. i had lost about 20 lbs or so (on my way to losing 40, which i eventually did)
    she said i looked "ill in the face"

    i really dont' care what other people say, and i definitely do not care if people notice. i'm doing this for myself.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    When I'd lost about 15kg. Said to me: "what's your secret?", "are you ill?", to my supervisor "Is LumberJackk ill?"
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    About 49 pounds lost (I'm pretty big. I figured it would take a little longer). Something like "I can tell you've lost some weight." Nothing earth shattering.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Only once I'd lost about 15lbs, and even then only after I'd mentioned how much I'd lost. It's probably because my whole teenage life I've been sucking my stomach in instinctively, so when I lose from my stomach it's not noticeable yet :laugh: though more recently I've gotten a few more comments from people telling me I look lovely with a thinner waist.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Short woman here, so it's harder to conceal the pounds. After losing 20 of them my mother in law noticed and said something positive. And my MIL isn't too well known for her positive comments, at least to me. So, yeah, that was about half the weight I needed to lose.:smile:
  • I'm 5'2'' & when I lost weight before my child, noone said anything about my weight loss until I already lost all the weight. but I did get a lot of stares. & I agree! I am doing this for myself as well. But just wondering when it becomes noticeable to everyone; including yourself.
  • It was about 30 lbs for me. The first comment was "I didn't realize you were so tall" and then "Wow, you are looking good!" Now I have people say something on a daily basis, and some people just look at me like they can tell something is different. My MIL even had something positive to say!!!

    I didn't start losing weight for other people, but it's nice that people are noticing! It makes me feel really good when people comment and ask how I am doing it. Then I get to explain MFP, eating less and moving more :)
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    My mother, around the 2nd week. I lost a lot during the first two weeks as the weight I was prior may have been my highest ever. It was as though my body couldn't wait to burn through some of that extra energy.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    Well, this person knew I was working on myself so I'm not sure it counts. But at 22 pounds lost I got this. "Have you been losing weight girl? I can really see it in your face." Thanks -_- I'm so glad the 22 lbs I lost was all in my face. LOL. Currently I am down 25 lbs. 80 more to go until GW. I haven't actually received a compliment from anyone who didn't know I was on a weight loss journey though.
  • lavenderphoenix
    lavenderphoenix Posts: 48 Member
    Hasn't happened yet, but everyone notices my husband's weight loss. :-/ Kinda makes me wanna get all strangly
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    about 2 months, or 30 lbs. one of my old friends who i hadnt seen in awhile mentioned it. it seemed like after one person said something the flood gates opened and then all of a sudden everyone who i didnt see daily was saying something about it
  • adge1475
    adge1475 Posts: 77 Member
    Okay, so I kinda feel better knowing I wasn't the only one who's first comments were negative. One of my girlfriends was oversees and didn't see me until I'd lost 60 pounds. She was offended that I "hadn't told her I'd been so sick" and I "looked like I'd gone through chemo."
    I was mortified. Other common early comments were "Okay, cool, so how long are you gonna keep it off?" or "Now the real work starts."
    Started at 210. Down to 140. It's been four years.