Warning TMI....(constipation)

Ok, I have noticed almost immediately when I started eating healthier I have had a hard time, well, going. I have taken phyillius fiber supplements, eating a good amount of fruits n veggies, fleet suppositories & even bought some Miralax. The miralax has helped me go, but now that I quick taken it, I'm starting to get backed up again. Sometimes I will bleed, thinking I might have a hemmy from being so backed up, I have meds for that. Please help. Before when I was eating junk, I would go everyday, maybe 2 or 3 times, I almost had no control....I'm sorry TMI. Now when I have the feeling to go, I'm scared, I have a death grip on the toilet bowl.............what should I do? Is ir safe to take a dose of Miralax everyday?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I can't see your diary but I can almost 100% bet you that you need more dietary fat.

    get to white castle or five guys- have a burger.

    drink some coffee

    go for a run

    you'll be all set.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    How much water do you drink? Feces gets really dense when there isn't enough water available. With all those fibres you've added a lot more stuff to poop out the other end.
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Water water water. Back off the fiber- it can have a binding effect for some people especially when not balanced out with enough water and other stuff to help move things along. Coffee will help. Any fruits that begin with P- pineapple, plums, pears, peaches. Those will all help as well. Think about adding in a probiotic and yogurt. I am always most regular when I take a probiotic regularly.
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    adding more fat will probably help things move along. Nuts, avocados, seeds, nut butters, flax oil, olive oil, all good sources to add daily to combat the constipation.
  • jasmine_noel
    jasmine_noel Posts: 62 Member
    Magnesium. Any kind. If it's not working, take more. If you're taking too much, you'll know.

    And I agree on backing off on the fiber supplements...
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    what should you do?
    seek immediate,professional medical advice asap.
    rectal bleeding is serious and not for 2nd guessing on the internet.
    had some similar symptoms 3months in from dieting/exercise, been diagnosed with. ibs-c and have a treatment plan/ meds to correct.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hard to tell without seeing your diary, but you need a combination of soluble fiber (mainly fruits and veggies) and insoluble fiber (bran and husk of grains, plus some veggies). You can google lists. Soluble fiber swells up and makes you feel full, insoluble fiber pushes waste through your digestive tract. You need both. Also, drink a ton of water.

    And whatever you try might take a while to work (at least a day or two).
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    1 gallon of water a day. - Tough but it fixes the problem usually. :)

    Also adding flax seed to cereal or salads is a good way to get healthy oils/fats and fiber.
    There's a cereal called uncle sam (sold at some but not all grocery stores) that is made from rolled flax seed. Not super tasty but helpful at least.

    Taking Omega oils (pill form) and a probiotic may help as well.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    what should you do?
    seek immediate,professional medical advice asap.
    rectal bleeding is serious and not for 2nd guessing on the internet.
    had some similar symptoms 3months in from dieting/exercise, been diagnosed with. ibs-c and have a treatment plan/ meds to correct.
    Yes, rectal bleeding is serious, but I'm getting the impression it's drops of it rather than a flood. Hence the water question.
  • syrenblade
    Miralax is a beautiful, beautiful thing. It is perfectly fine to take it every day. Your body does not absorb it and you do not get "immune" to it. You can mix it just about anything (I've even put it in soda), so it is very easy to incorporate into your every day fluid consumption. One cap not enough? You can do two in the same amount of liquid, or use it more than once a day, whatever you need. Drinking plenty of water will help the miralax work better. If you are going to stick with fiber supplements like psyllium or metamucil, etc, make sure you still drink plenty of water. Otherwise they just get "stuck" and don't work as well. Some people find these cause bloating or don't like the gritty taste--which is why miralax is awesome because it doesn't taste like anything (and I'm super sensitive to weird tastes).

    The bleeding, is more concerning, especially if you are noticing blood mixed in with the stool or significant amounts in the toilet water rather than just on the paper. While hemorrhoids can bleed like stink if irritated enough, you still want to make sure you are not missing something more serious like inflammatory bowel disease, especially if you are having more constipation and/or abdominal pain in the setting of eating fruits with peels, popcorn, salad or other high fiber foods. Definitely talk to your doctor about this while simultaneously working on improving the constipation.
  • AnikaP81
    AnikaP81 Posts: 59 Member
    I agree with the posters that say you need to UP your water intake (possibly significantly). But since only one person suggested the third "component" for being regular, I'll say it... You need plenty of FAT... Think of it as lubricant for your intestines :) There were good suggestions where to get healthy fats from.

    And I agree with the poster who said that if there is bleeding you might wanna talk to a doctor!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    4 oz prune juice in the morning followed by 2 big glasses of water-10 minutes later, then breakfast with hot coffee or tea.
    400 mg magnesium citrate tablets every night.
    Lots of veggies, beans, fruits and water water water!
    You will go!

    ETA-don't forget your fats!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I agree: back off the fiber (it really does bind some of us).
    Add more fat.
    And I also second adding magnesium capsules daily. You'll know when you've hit a sweet spot with magnesium.

    Again, all of this assuming you're healthy and just clogged due to dietary changes.

    ETA: seeing your diary would perhaps help as well.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    I take 2 teaspoons of NV Natural Calm (Magnesium Citrate) in a cup of boiling water twice a day and that took care of my constipation concerns. BIG BADDA BOOM.
  • ariesflame
    ariesflame Posts: 82 Member
    Water, and Fat.

    The right kind of fat is very important. As a vegetarian for 16 years, this has taken me some time to nail down, next to the protein issues.

    I've always had an irregular system growing up, and only when I started to really fix it, has my health and body really improved.
    Sometimes I wish MFP had an output tracker. What we put in the bowl is a very good indication of our health. It also helps me gauge how my body digests and absorbs certain things if i'm experimenting with new/different foods.
    You might want to adapt the diet to assist with healthy gut flora as well. (helped me a lot)
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    Water, and Fat.

    The right kind of fat is very important. As a vegetarian for 16 years, this has taken me some time to nail down, next to the protein issues.

    I've always had an irregular system growing up, and only when I started to really fix it, has my health and body really improved.
    Sometimes I wish MFP had an output tracker. What we put in the bowl is a very good indication of our health. It also helps me gauge how my body digests and absorbs certain things if i'm experimenting with new/different foods.
    You might want to adapt the diet to assist with healthy gut flora as well. (helped me a lot)

    You could always keep a personal record; unless you want MFP friends to know your bathroom business. :tongue:

    All this advice is great. I've tried increasing fiber but that doesn't help (perhaps binding?). I don't drink enough water but I find it really hard to drink more than 4 glasses a day tops and feel most comfortable drinking 1 or 2 (unless I do heavy exercise)... otherwise I feel sick.

    So to recap:
    -plenty of water
    -mix of soluble and insoluble fiber (fruits that start with P, veggies, flax, high fiber grains)
    -healthy fats (including omega-3 fatty acids)
    -walking/running/movement to shake it up down there

    I will try this, too.
  • dissolvedgirl80
    Water is key.
    to kickstart things -
    IN the past this has worked for me: 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (the raw kind by Braggs) in room temp water. take a deep breath and chug. Within 30 min to an hour you should be able to go.
    If that fails try a tablespoon of honey with juice squeeze from half a lemon in warm water at night- by morning something should happen. if not try it again in the evening (i had to do this once).

    I hope that was somewhat helpful.
  • Fit2love4life
    Yogi "Get Regular" tea...give it a try 2 hours before you go to bed and expect results in the morning (or results within 10-12 hrs). You won't need to do this everyday. :)
  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    I have IBS and a host of other GI tract conditions that often cause severe constipation as well as the other extreme. Sometimes I do not have a movement for 2-3 days. I take Miralax from time to time during flare ups. Diet plays a big role, but some of the conditions just happen and there is not much that can be done. You shouldn't exceed the recommended doses of Miralax over the requisite time period. Miralax and other laxatives used long term can cause liver damage (it did for me, but I am of East Asian descent, so almost all medications for any condition cause liver damage). Also, the fiber found in Metamucil and other similar powders is of the soluble variety. You should try adding insoluble fiber from vegetables, whole grains, bran, etc. You may also wish to limit diary products and fried foods if you eat them.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I wish I could see your diary!