New and loving this place!

Hi all! I joined up a couple days ago and think I am going to enjoy my stay here. Now that I have most of the tools and stuff under control, I can't wait to get to know everyone here.

A little about me - I've been married to my best friend for nearly 7 years; I'm going to college full-time for my bookkeeping/office admin diploma; Been struggling with weight all of my adult life (since 15 actually) and due to PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) it packs on super easy and is next to impossible to take off. But nothing is going to stand in my way. I am too determined to be healthy for the first time in a long time.


  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Welcome! You can do this- especially with these great tools at your fingertips (literally! lol)
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Congratulations :-)
    Until I came onto this website, you know I didnt know it was because of PCOS its sooo incredibly hard to lose weight and so damn easy to gain haha! Now it all makes sense! Arghhh but I am so determined to drop 25kgs this year its so not funny! I have a love for cooking and food too, so a little difficult ahaha... good luck with everything! I've lost 7kgs since november :-) you just need to push on!
  • ambermabee
    Thank you both for your replies!