Always Hungry

kkrupp Posts: 20
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I am ALWAYS hungry since I started counting my calories, exercising, and controlling what I eat. This always happens when I start working out, I'm generally absolutely starving most all day long. It seems that what ever I eat doesn't really fill me up or even last for very long. I try eating small healthy snacks between meals like apples and bananas, veggies, oatmeal, etc but I'm pretty much as hungry as I was to begin with.

Does anyone have any tips on maybe more filling foods or even have this problem like I do?

ps- I always drink a glass of water when I'm hungry just to double check to see if I'm actually thirsty but it just backs up that I'm hungry


  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Make sure you're getting in quite a bit of lean proteins to keep you full longer. I know they have now debunked the 6 meals a day myth but I find being able to eat smaller meals throughout the day helps me from getting too hungry in between! Fruits and veggies work terrific for snacking between meals since they can fill you up without using all your allotted calories for the day! Be sure to search at the top for some of the keywords and you'll be amazed at all the information that pops up!
  • Protein and fiber.....I am the same way on workout days. Be sure to get your snacks in between your meals.
  • deedsy
    deedsy Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same problem. I read that sometimes people mistake hunger for thirst so I try to drink water sometimes when I feel the urge to eat.
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    Try the sugar-free popsicles they work wonders....10 calories each too :)

    Oh and drink lots of water...can add crystal light sugar free for flavor. I carry these drinks like as if it's my boyfriend :)

    Add me :)
  • ladymac67
    ladymac67 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm always hungry also.... I joke that I must have a tapeworm ... but my husband says if I had a tapeworm, I would be skinny. Ha. In all seriousness, you are not alone. I've always thought "I'm hungrier than other people... something must be wrong with me".... but I don't know if naturally skinny people feel hunger the same way, or if they are just wired differently?!?
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    Fiber, protein and water. Your 3 amigo's. They will help you stay fuller longer. Remember not to let yourself get hungry. Your body ends up storing food rather than burn.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Water, Water, Water & willpower will do wonders!
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Protein and fiber and TONS of water. Also, eating small meals or snacks every 3-4 hours is best to keep you full rather than saving up for 1-2 big meals.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Air popped butter, no salt. You can munch almost none the crunch mostly....
    Drink lots of water! lots, half your weight in ounces :drinker:
  • Wholesome real food is the best way to stay full. Less preservatives less processed and your body will take the time to USE it. Make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories and if you are working out and still hungry, make sure you are eating SOME of your workout calories. You do not have to eat them all the time... but if you are hungry, eat some. Also, eat CARBS, FATS and PROTEINS thoughout the day.
    Another big part of calorie counting and making the best of what you take it: Do NOT drink your calories. A glass of milk here and there is fine. But unless you are juicing fresh juice at home, do not drink your calories for example in, store bought juices, soda and what not.

    Again, REAL, WHOLESOME foods. :-D I am rarely ever hungry between meals.....and I eat between 1200 and 1600 calories everyday... and workout 5 days a week burning 400-900 calories each of those days.

    If it comes from the earth or has a mother, you can eat it! :-D
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Water water and more water.... you're not alone. Also maybe notate in your journal what you're doing when these feelings of hunger come over you. Are you watching tv or have nothing to do? I tend to eat put of bordem.... when I get this feeling I force myself to find something to, it helps.
  • kkrupp
    kkrupp Posts: 20
    I eat all my work out calories when I work out haha

    Also I know its not out of bordom, thats always my second question I ask myself after I've had a cup of water hah
  • Make sure you're getting in quite a bit of lean proteins to keep you full longer. I know they have now debunked the 6 meals a day myth but I find being able to eat smaller meals throughout the day helps me from getting too hungry in between! Fruits and veggies work terrific for snacking between meals since they can fill you up without using all your allotted calories for the day! Be sure to search at the top for some of the keywords and you'll be amazed at all the information that pops up!
    Nobody has ACTUALLY debunked many meals. Everyone is different. I burn A LOT of calories in a workout and I eat 6 times a day....3 meals and 2 snack. All are clean and as REAL as possible. I have a lot of success with this. Some people don't.

    Isn't it interesting how everyone is so different? ;)
  • I work long days and my snack that keeps me full between meals is low fat/fat free cottage cheese. I just have half a cup and it is just enough to keep me full until dinner!
  • crackerjack345
    crackerjack345 Posts: 129 Member
    I recently learned that moderate exercise increases appetite, while intense exercise decreases appetite. Also, I find, for me anyway, artificial sweeteners like aspartame and such actually make me MORE hungry. Like, ravenously hungry! Maybe that could be part of it. I also agree on the protein and fiber, lots of fruits and veggies, and lots of water. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Hang in there, and make sure you're eating your workout calories.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Eat more protein. Usually if I eat eggs in the morning, it's a little easier. I also add a salad with low calorie dressing to my lunch. It seems to help me feel full longer.
  • I recently learned that moderate exercise increases appetite, while intense exercise decreases appetite. Also, I find, for me anyway, artificial sweeteners like aspartame and such actually make me MORE hungry. Like, ravenously hungry! Maybe that could be part of it. I also agree on the protein and fiber, lots of fruits and veggies, and lots of water. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Hang in there, and make sure you're eating your workout calories.
    As for the artificial sweeteners... this IS true. Because the body is unfamiliar with the fake sugar it is taking in... it does not know how to sense when it has had enough therefore the artificial sweeteners actually trigger hunger in many people. It jacks with your sugar levels more than REAL sugar because it makes your body think it should keep eating. The LESS chemicals that alter what we eat, the better. Eating fresh and real foods is what your body knows.. when the crud is left out (artificial sweeteners, preservatives, dyes and what not) your body knows what to use and how to use it.

    When you are engineering foods, you are pressing evolution's buttons. - anonymous
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