Appetite suppressants, B12 and Lipo shots

beachblossom81 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I know diet pills are not the answer, but it sure aids in helping to eat less. Anyone know of safe Appetite suppressants?
I am taking Phenterine with b12 shots and liposhots but in like 2 weeks I want to stop the pill phenterine because of
the long term side effects and heard it can become inaffective as the body gets use to it. I also heard you can gain weight as soon as you stop taking it which i dont want to happen. I still need something to help control my hunger and cravings. As of right now, the phenterine controls my hungar, I dont care about food like i use to so cravings gone, and taste buds are so off now that everything I eat doesnt taste good any more. I dont think I eat because of any emotional problem. Before phenterine, I ate too much junk because I enjoyed the taste too much. Craved food too that were high in fat, sugar, carbs.
Medical weight lost clinic really helped so far but it is expensive.


  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    Diet pills have a couple of problems. First, there is the question of sustainability. Ergo, what happens when you stop taking the pills. Second, there is the question of health. Traditionally, diet pills have been designed to increase your metabolism. Ergo, many were over-the-counter speed.

    This being said, I think using appetite supression strategically, in the short-term, to promote initial loss, might work if you use it correctly. Monitor your caloric intake to keep it within high enough levels otherwise you will lose muscle and bone density.

    The real question is about sustainability. The real downside to this approach is that it may make it even harder to maintain at your target once you stop taking the pills.

    Good Luck and I will be interested to see the posts of others.

  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Honestly, that's a tough program to quit. I've known several people who have had success with that program only to quit and go right back to where they were before. I would suggest supplementing exercise in the place of a pill. It's the natural way to boost your metabolism and burn fat.
  • SewJoe
    SewJoe Posts: 43 Member
    I've taken appetite suppressants in the past, they do work, but I think it's best to wean yourself off after a few months of weight loss so they don't become a crutch.

    I think the reason most people gain weight back is because they slowly slide back into the poor eating habits they had before weight loss. This time, I don't want to go back. I have to remind myself that this change in eating is forever, and I can splurge once in a while but make sure to get in some extra exercise to balance it out. I am trying to keep the healthy eating in moderate portions as a way of life. It's hard, but I have been putting this off for too many years. I want to stay on track and not have to depend on diet pills or special food.

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  • Thanks! very helpful advice. I just had a weigh in. Another 4 pounds so im excited. Been on program at weight loss clinic for 2 months, 10 days and lost 20 pounds in total now. Eating less helps and I think more exercise and more eating good will continue to help me in my goals. I agree that i dont want to have appetite supp as a crutch. just a temporary aid.
    So drinking water before meals, eating almonds before meals sound like good appetite suppressants.
    Anyone else have other tips for natural appetite supps?
    oh,and also filling up on fruits and veggies.
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