Hitting (or Adjusting) Macros?

Let's try this again...

I've discovered that I have a hard time hitting my macros propertly, especially with protein. I'm trying to make sure that I get at least my LBM in grams so that I'm not losing muscle and I have proper protein intake for circuit/weight training. Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I've actually been able to consciously get close... I'm usually 50-60g under.

Should I therefore work harder at hitting my macros, or should I adjust them down to what I know I CAN do? I low carb, so I had my macros set at 65% protein, 30% fat, 5% carbs.


  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I low carb, so I had my macros set at 65% protein, 30% fat, 5% carbs.

    If you're shooting for ketosis, you probably won't get there with that much protein. Try swapping your protein and fat percentages if that's your goal.
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    1669 104gm fat 134 gm protein 34 gm carb
    1669 56.08%fat 32.12% protein 8.15% carb

    Fat should probably be around 65%-85% for a start.
    Protein calculations vary widely:
    Rosedale Formula 1 x kg ideal body weight – 10% = gm protein (roughly 50 gm/day)
    Phinney/Volek Formula 0.6 x kg lbm = gm protein
    Mark's Daily Apple Primal Formula 0.7 x kg lbm = gm protein
    Phinney/Volek Formula 0.8 x kg lbm = gm protein
    Phinney/Volek Formula 1.0 x kg lbm = gm protein
    Phinney/Volek Formula 1.5 x kg lbm = gm protein

    Keeping in mind also that Mark Sisson isn't a huge ketogenic proponent.
    I personally use the Rosedale formula (he's a proponent of believing we need the greater protein as P&V state, but only during the period before we're keto-adapted), so my protein should be around 55.2 gm/day, but I alternate day fast AND try to apply Dr. Layman's principles of 'at least 30 gm of protein' for adequate leucine content per meal, so I works out to be around 66 gm/day.

    The long and short of it is as BarbieAS stated: Protein looks little high. Maybe use one of the other calculations until you fill in your fat to at least 65%.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    thank you... both of those answers help.
    If you're shooting for ketosis, you probably won't get there with that much protein. Try swapping your protein and fat percentages if that's your goal.

    i'm usually happy if i hit light ketosis. i basically just wanted to be sure that i'm losing fat without compromising muscle. in order to fully achieve my end goals, i want to make sure i'm providing my body enough protein from dietary sources.
    1669 104gm fat 134 gm protein 34 gm carb
    1669 56.08%fat 32.12% protein 8.15% carb
    i had my total calories set at 1580, which put me at 138g protein and 108g fat. i've shifted it to 30% protein and 60% fat, which puts me at 119g protein and 105g fat, and then upped my carbs to 10% rather than 5%.
    Rosedale Formula 1 x kg ideal body weight – 10% = gm protein (roughly 50 gm/day)
    so how are they basing the ideal body weight? are they going by BMI or something else? i've got a large frame and already carry a lot of muscle. based on tape measurements, i'm at 30% bodyfat, the majority of which is carried in my torso. my preliminary (not ticker) goal is to get to 165-ish. at that point i'll have gone as far as i'm comfortable going... though at the rate i'm losing, my 4 year old will be graduating high school by the time i get there.

    i hate that my body doesn't do what it's supposed to. it makes all of these calculations that much harder to determine.
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    so how are they basing the ideal body weight? are they going by BMI or something else? i've got a large frame and already carry a lot of muscle. based on tape measurements, i'm at 30% bodyfat, the majority of which is carried in my torso. my preliminary (not ticker) goal is to get to 165-ish. at that point i'll have gone as far as i'm comfortable going... though at the rate i'm losing, my 4 year old will be graduating high school by the time i get there.

    i hate that my body doesn't do what it's supposed to. it makes all of these calculations that much harder to determine.
    I hear you about your body not doing what it's supposed to do. *sigh*
    Personally, I knew at 135 I was athletic and as low in weight as I dared to be. Doing keto and many years later, this may not be possible (my older age as well as keto making our muscles/bones generally 'denser"), but I have set my goal weight to that knowing full well that I may need to re-evaluate the situation once I am in the 150 range. I am 5'5" and have a very large frame. This is what I have used in the past, and I would imagine Rosedale is probably thinking a similar thing, not necessarily based on BMI, especially since most do not account for frame size. It seems to correlate with my last know previously 'good' weight. LOL

    Not sure if this helps, but I seem to be cruising along fairly well with this so far.