Strength training in a calorie deficit

Does strength training have an impact on the way you look while doing it during a calorie deficit? Do people look more muscular while cutting for whatever reason? I'm aware of the reasons to strength training while in a deficit - retaining lean body mass in particular. But besides this, are there aesthetic changes that training with weights produces if you don't gain any muscle mass? I'm hoping for at least some more definition. Thanks a lot


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Does strength training have an impact on the way you look while doing it during a calorie deficit? Do people look more muscular while cutting for whatever reason? I'm aware of the reasons to strength training while in a deficit - retaining lean body mass in particular. But besides this, are there aesthetic changes that training with weights produces if you don't gain any muscle mass? I'm hoping for at least some more definition. Thanks a lot

    short answer- yes- you'll have more definition because there will be something there to define.

    no lifting while losing weight = nothing to define when the fat drops. lifting of some sorts ensures that there is an object to define- you can't define an object if it's not there.

    Its like laying a sheet over a bed- if the book isn't' under the bed- you won't see it- if the bed's too soft- and the book sunk in- you won't really see it.

    Book has to be sitting on top of the bed- then the sheet over it- then you get to see the definition of the book.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    yes there is always a benefit to strength training. and you will notice a difference in your body, muscle definition and structural posture.
  • shaythep
    shaythep Posts: 73 Member
    I wanted to know this as well. I have been heavy lifting for a little over a month and I am on a calorie deficit. I think I look like I have some muscle definition. It could be all in my mind though lol.
  • lemonyradiomen
    lemonyradiomen Posts: 8 Member
    Anecdotal evidence for the affirmative: I began strength training while in a calorie deficit and I have seen a huge improvement in muscle definition as well as strength at 10 weeks. And when I poke at my muscles they feel much more solid. Part of that I'm assuming is due to the "pump" - the muscular swelling that occurs post-workout, as I look less muscular on recovery days, but objectively I am able to see muscle outlines that weren't there before, etc., even through a pretty decent blanket of fat ;)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Yes, definitely. Like jo and sonya said, there will be more muscle left for you to see once the fat is stripped away and you'll make great strength gains and improvements to your posture.

    I have also found (and this might just be me) but the fat seems to go from better places, if you know what I mean?, while strength training. E.g. Previously I always lost from bust, fingers, ankles - places like that but since lifting, I find it tends to go where you want it to go from - waist :happy:
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    even when you are on a deficit, or have extra fat... your body still has muscle mass that always benefit from strength training. and even if you cant see as much definition as you want, your body will still take on a healthy structurally sound shape by having strong muscles holding your skeleton together. So its not always about having that cut up body builder look, which takes a whole lot of work to achieve. Lift weights because its good for you and your body and your health.
  • jasveersingh925
    jasveersingh925 Posts: 50 Member
    thanks, bump