
So, I'm interested in hearing your opinion on this. I just got home from buying some candy, on purpose. I've been thinking that it would be nice to have a little treat at the end of a good day, instead of trying to always be good and eventually fail. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick to the plan of having the really good day, and only have one small treat, but I'm going to give it a try.
and, just cuz I know I would be curious, I'll tell you what I bought: 1 large bag of Riesen chocolates. I decided one bag at a time because if I got a variety it would be too tempting to have more than one treat.
has anyone else tried this? did it help?


  • 4girls
    4girls Posts: 1
    I did the same thing but with chocolate covered cinnamon bears. We must be rewarded. Good luck
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    In my closet, on the top shelf, inside an opaque shopping bag I have the remains of the Halloween purchase of Skittles and Starbursts combo pack. They're not my favorite, and they take some coordination to open (particularly as they age), and I can stop at one fun sized pack a day. I just have a difficult time keeping myself to one day and not a string of days once I allow myself to find the candy....
  • chewy8874042
    chewy8874042 Posts: 38 Member
    Someone told me once they no longer "waste" calories on candy that is mediocre, so last time I was at Aldi, I bought a few kinds some of which are really good crisp bars - 95 each and also waves that look like chocolate Pringles. They are only 19, so if I only have a few calories left, I can have one. Also, lately with the weather, I have been treating myself to hot cocoa with unsweetened almond milk and cocoa powder. -> under 50. Lastly, I have heard that dark chocolate helps curb the craving better, but I am still on the fence about that one;) Good Luck and don't deprive yourself ~ just plan ahead and work off what you can.
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    We have all sorts of free day goodies in our pantry. But, I have a bag of caramels for the good days so I'll stay away from all the other goodies. I love caramels and if I have enough calories left at the end of the day I allow myself to have one or two. It's helping me.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't do rewards like this. Of course, I've cut refined sugar completely out of my daily life. I will still have an occasional treat, but nothing on a daily basis. Sugar stops your body from burning fat, which isn't something I want to have happen. I don't miss it and I don't have cravings for it. It's been about 2 or 3 weeks since I officially gave it up. Treats are good, but they can inadvertently be counterproductive.

    If you start replacing processed foods with fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats you'll find that you don't want the junk anymore. And the reduced sodium and sugar is going to be great for your weight loss.
  • doesgo
    doesgo Posts: 15 Member
    Test it out and do what works for you! If a small treat regularly does the job, then more power to you. But pay attention so you can recognize if it turns into just an excuse to eat more or eat poorly and get rid of the treats if that happens. Like others, as I've been working on this over the past four months, I've found that I now prefer to make the most of my calories and I only really crave the bad stuff maybe once per week.
  • brittanymonster
    I have discovered that if I don't have little treats stashed around, I'll go buy some on a whim, and they usually end up being pretty gnarly (spicy cheetos, choco-tacos, the works). I have little self control. =\
  • fitmamaoftwins
    no I dont keep anything bad in the house, instead my husband and I go out every sunday night to eat and I usually have a giant plate of pasta and desert... yummyy, after that I feel so guilty im good all week.. then sunday happens! ;-) it works for me and im still loosen weight =)
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I have treats from time to time too. Usually one evenings when I have the house to myself and can settle on the couch in comfy jamies after a good work out at the gym.

    I don't feel confident yet that I could master dolling out a serving size from a large container and not go back for more. So I buy 1 thing in a small size and just savour it. :)
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    thanks for sharing your experiences! I'll let you know in a couple weeks if it makes any difference.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I bring one mini Lindt to work with me every day to have with my almonds. My office always has tons of treats around so that 30 calorie Lindt is what keeps me away from those cookies/chocolates/donuts/etc. I don't eat them at home -- those are strictly for the office!
  • paroxysm
    Sugar stops your body from burning fat

    You do know that's a load of bullocks right? You don't get to 'pick' what your body burns. (carb, protein, fat) it chooses what is efficient and what it needs now- usually that will be carb first, then protein, then fat...but believe it or not it doesn't always work that way. And sugar does not stop you from burning fat. there's sugar in fruit. it's just not refined.

    I eat some awesome good for you foods (raw) and some not so awesome foods (processed) and I workout.
    I have no trouble with maintaining my weight currently (I'm not here for weightloss but instead to maintain)