Setting "correct" caloric goal for weight loss

I'm wondering if anyone with some experience on here can comment on setting a daily calorie goal? Specifically, I'm exceeding my daily limit of 1860 calories, eating healthy, yet getting a dull headache nearly all day long. I've really JUST started recording this process so no paper trail. And I may be jumping the gun...but I've noticed the headaches never existed before tracking calories. I just don't want to slow my metabolism down.

Online I've read the source of diet related headaches are dehydration, poor nutrition, or empty calories. None are applicable in my case (15 cups of water a day, whole foods, no sauces, and no chips/cookies/booze). The main change I can think of has been no sweets and no eating out (2 weeks).

As mentioned above, my only real concern is avoiding a slowdown in my metabolism or burning muscle because I'm setting too aggressive a target. But that target of 1860 is not aggressive AT ALL according to the selection criteria (-0.5lb a week).

Do some folks just have MUCH higher caloric needs? I'm an athletic guy, but nothing crazy, and I am definitely OVERWEIGHT, which suggests my metabolism is not faster than my eyes. :smile: At 6', given my build, I estimate I should be 180lb and instead am 200lb. I work out regularly and fairly aggressively.

Any thoughts on the headache and possibly tweeking calories? Or is this normal. Note, not crazy hungry...just the head hurts, not the stomach.


  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Bumping for you. I've never really experienced headaches that I would attribute to caloric deficit, but maybe others have some insight.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    I only know that changes in diet can cause headaches. If you have recently cut off or cut way back the amount of caffine you were drinking, you are looking at at least a week of headaches.
  • carolinaem
    carolinaem Posts: 58 Member
    Did you cut out soda/caffeine?

    Also, if you think it is the calorie deficit, try adding calories and see if that helps. Find the number where you feel good and lose weight.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Caffeine withdrawal was the first thing that came to my mind. Try drinking tea or coffee or diet cola a couple of times a day to see if that stops the headaches then gradually cut down the number of caffeine drinks per day
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Honestly I wouldn't be asking here I'd be asking my doctor.
  • woofer00
    woofer00 Posts: 123 Member
    Take a look at your hydration and micronutrients, I don't recall getting headaches from a caloric deficit, but plenty from caffeine and hydration issues. Check with a doctor if it persists.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    I get a funny shaky, headachy feeling if I eat something carb-y and then let myself get too hungry. Making sure I get enough protein, especially at breakfast, really helps me. Then I don't get that blood sugar dip.

    Caffeine makes it worse, and I love coffee, so yet another reason to eat right. . .
  • mignesme
    As people mentioned, caffeine withdrawal might be a cause, but also, are you adding the calories you burn ? You could have a much stronger calorie deficit if you dont track the calories you burn during your workout :)

  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    This is totally guessing, but since you've cut out all sugar, could it be a withdrawal type of symptom from that? I've gone cold turkey on coffee a couple times and the headaches would last most of the day for anywhere from 3 days to a week.
  • elissadingman407
    Have you looked into the idea of having a gluten intolerance? This can cause headaches, along with a multitude of other symptoms. Maybe you should read a little into it and give a gluten-free diet a whirl. Couldn't hurt!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm wondering if anyone with some experience on here can comment on setting a daily calorie goal? Specifically, I'm exceeding my daily limit of 1860 calories, eating healthy, yet getting a dull headache nearly all day long. I've really JUST started recording this process so no paper trail. And I may be jumping the gun...but I've noticed the headaches never existed before tracking calories. I just don't want to slow my metabolism down.

    Online I've read the source of diet related headaches are dehydration, poor nutrition, or empty calories. None are applicable in my case (15 cups of water a day, whole foods, no sauces, and no chips/cookies/booze). The main change I can think of has been no sweets and no eating out (2 weeks).

    As mentioned above, my only real concern is avoiding a slowdown in my metabolism or burning muscle because I'm setting too aggressive a target. But that target of 1860 is not aggressive AT ALL according to the selection criteria (-0.5lb a week).

    Do some folks just have MUCH higher caloric needs? I'm an athletic guy, but nothing crazy, and I am definitely OVERWEIGHT, which suggests my metabolism is not faster than my eyes. :smile: At 6', given my build, I estimate I should be 180lb and instead am 200lb. I work out regularly and fairly aggressively.

    Any thoughts on the headache and possibly tweeking calories? Or is this normal. Note, not crazy hungry...just the head hurts, not the stomach.

    Just to comment on the deficit you think you have.

    That calorie eating goal of 1860 is based on your selection of daily non-exercise activity level - did you select sedentary? Do you really have a 45 hr desk job/commute weekly with no kids or pet play and outside exercise no yard work or much of anything? That's sedentary. Otherwise you could be Lightly Active on average.

    And that eating goal would ONLY be on non-exercise days. But you said you are athletic.
    If you are exercising, you are burning more than the math MFP is basing your eating goal on - so your deficit could be a whole lot bigger. And with only 20 lbs, 1 lb weekly, or 500 cal deficit, is reasonable amount, not really more constantly.
    But that implies you aren't making it bigger by eating back your exercise calories when you do the workouts. That's what MFP leaves out of eating goal until you actually do it, exercise.

    So you potentially could have been creating a much bigger deficit than 500 for however long you've been doing it.
  • Perversia
    Both a sudden cut out of caffeine or sugar could be causing the headaches. This is a good calculator though:
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    Have you looked into the idea of having a gluten intolerance? This can cause headaches, along with a multitude of other symptoms. Maybe you should read a little into it and give a gluten-free diet a whirl. Couldn't hurt!

    Having recently performed a few studies (limited mostly to scanning just about every thread on MFP) I have discovered that nearly every negative side effect of dieting will be linked to a gluten intolerance. Please everybody, cut gluten out of your diet and you will get married, have lots of babies, and live happily ever after, without any pain, misery, or constipation.

    Seriously it only took like 3 replies this time, average is more like 5 before the gluten intolerance is brought of as the issue.
  • keishak25
    keishak25 Posts: 2 Member
    Have you looked into the idea of having a gluten intolerance? This can cause headaches, along with a multitude of other symptoms. Maybe you should read a little into it and give a gluten-free diet a whirl. Couldn't hurt!

    Having recently performed a few studies (limited mostly to scanning just about every thread on MFP) I have discovered that nearly every negative side effect of dieting will be linked to a gluten intolerance. Please everybody, cut gluten out of your diet and you will get married, have lots of babies, and live happily ever after, without any pain, misery, or constipation.

    Seriously it only took like 3 replies this time, average is more like 5 before the gluten intolerance is brought of as the issue.

    You forgot the most important part, that it will also get rid of the headaches!! huzzah. Everyone wins! lol
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    Have you looked into the idea of having a gluten intolerance? This can cause headaches, along with a multitude of other symptoms. Maybe you should read a little into it and give a gluten-free diet a whirl. Couldn't hurt!

    Having recently performed a few studies (limited mostly to scanning just about every thread on MFP) I have discovered that nearly every negative side effect of dieting will be linked to a gluten intolerance. Please everybody, cut gluten out of your diet and you will get married, have lots of babies, and live happily ever after, without any pain, misery, or constipation.

    Seriously it only took like 3 replies this time, average is more like 5 before the gluten intolerance is brought of as the issue.

    You forgot the most important part, that it will also get rid of the headaches!! huzzah. Everyone wins! lol

    No No No... re-incorporating coffee will cure headaches. Seriously? I get dieting, but I would rather give up body parts than my morning coffee!
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Being 71, it might be a good idea to see a doctor and have your levels checked just to make sure everything is where it should be.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    I agree it could be something you are eating (or not eating) giving you headaches. I would see a dr like some of the others suggested. could be sinus or allergy problems too. There could be a lot of things causing them.hope you get it figured out soon
  • RaceB
    RaceB Posts: 18
    Thanks all. I appreciate the input. I don't drink soda and only drink decaf coffee. I'm wondering if it might be the point of poorly tracking my workout calorie wise. I will give it some more time and possibly re-adjust the diet again. Appreciate all the quick responses and the guy who was kind enough to bump my request! Have a good night!