Odd feeling in left leg when I kick -

Hey there,
Wondering if anyone has experienced this and if they know what it is. (and yes I know the internet is not my Dr. lol I plan on discussing it with her when I go for my physical, just curious in the meantime)

My workouts lately have consisted of Charlene Johnson Turbo Jam and Shaun T Turbo 25. I am not sure if anyone is familiar with Charlene's Twist..however when I do that with my left side I get this weird sensation in my left leg close to my knee cap but going down my shin. Only way I can describe it is - light electric shock sensation. It also happens when I stretch that leg straight in front of me, attempt V lifts with Shaun or kick high in front etc. Basically during exercise when I straighten it out in front of me..it happens.
I do not feel it any other time during the day and as soon as I stop the move..the feeling stops instantly.

Anyone ever have this? Do you know what it is? I baby it right now to avoid it as I am not sure if that is my body telling me "hey back off before you pull something" lol But I do not want to baby it forever - I will be lop sided ;)

Thanks for any input!!


  • syrenblade
    Does this happen if you sit with your legs straight out in front of you and your back straight and down (so your body forms an "L" shape)? How about if you lie on your back and raise the left leg off the ground? Do you get pain in your back at all when this happens? Anytime someone describes an "electric shock" type pain, I immediately think of a nerve issue. Given that only certain moves provoke it and given the very specific location, I would be most suspicious of something irritating the nerve that feeds that part of the body, probably an issue higher up in the lower back. Things to talk to your doctor about with respect to this problem would be a herniated disc, sciatica, or a tight piriformis muscle--all of which can affect the nerves that sense the legs. In the mean time, make sure you are keeping a straight back during exercises, lifting with the legs and not the back (ie, squat to pick something up, push up with your legs, rather than bending at the waist and straightening from there), and not overly extending your lower spine--remember to "tuck your butt in" when you are exercising to put less strain on the lower back. You can also try stretching the piriformis muscle before exercise. The easiest way I like to think of it is sit in a chair with good back support, cross one leg and rest your ankle on the opposite knee. Lean forward with a straight back until you feel a gentle stretch, hold there for a couple seconds, and release. This can also be done lying on the back, bending one leg so the foot rests on the ground and assume the same leg position with the other leg (ankle to knee) and pull your knee towards your chest until you feel a stretch. I would hold off on doing the provoking exercises until you speak to your doctor. Hope that helps!
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member

    I just tested the two things you mentioned and no it did not happen. I did a few reps just to be sure. I do not recall any back pain what so ever during exercise however on occasion I do suffer from lower back pain and have for years since being pregnant with twins :(
    I am actually thinking you maybe right though - the twist in Turbo jam could certainly affect the back a lot as well as the V in T25. There is no back support technically in the V and I may not be using enough of my core to give it some. I guess working out with a DVD has some perks but also some bad points such as no spotter to make sure I have the correct form.

    Thank you for your input as well as advice on the stretching I appreciate it greatly, will definitely use those until I speak with the Dr. to find out what is going on. :)
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    The way you describe it as an "electric shock" makes it sound like a nerve issue. I get that occasionally in my right hip, mostly during extension exercise. My doctor told me it sounded like a nerve rubbing against a tendon the wrong way and that there was't much to be done about it but rest it when it gets bad. Losing weight should eventually help, too.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Good chance you have a compressed nerve somewhere. Talk to your doctor, you might be able to resolve this with no further intervention than just stretching and some rest, or perhaps a PT or chriopractor but start with a doctor's consult.