Gained inches/weight running?!

I really need some help here.
I'm about 5'3, and weigh 118.
I have struggled with anorexia/bulimia for a very long time, I lost a lot of muscle, but am slowly building what I have left.
I am on a cross country team. I thought getting into running would help me get into shape, but it just made me BIGGER!
My thighs are about 22 inches now! I feel absolutely disgusting and just want to hide my legs now :(
I just want to slim down my thighs, and then I will be alright, but it seems they just keep getting bigger and bigger, I'm humiliated to wear my track shorts at meets :L


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I couldn't tell you the last time i had 22 inch thighs it was probably middle school. Embrace the thighs honey this is what happens when you do sports like track and field or participate in marching band. And look on the bright side your legs and rear probably don't jiggle when you walk.
  • sickvision
    sickvision Posts: 9 Member
    Oh believe me, they jiggle Lol, it's a bit embarassing, really.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    It goes away after a while I had legs of frickin steel for several years. You're at a healthy weight so I wouldn't worry about it too much, add in lifting if it really bothers you. And on that note as small as you are it really should be about body recomp not weight loss so I'd add in strength training anyways.
  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
    You are skinny & at a healthy weight. Your thighs are not big. 22 inch is not big. Start lifting weights. Embrace having a pear shape :)