Too scared to weigh myself



  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    I check my weight daily because I like to know where I stand and what I need to do constantly to make adjustments. It's hard sometimes to not get discouraged, but as long as you know you are doing the right things and making the right decisions, you're good.
  • audra54321
    audra54321 Posts: 5 Member
    I was too, did not weigh myself for about 4 years and gained about 40 pounds!! And I had gained 30 pounds before that. I tried just using my jeans to figure out if was losing during the 4 years-- did not work. Now I need a knee replacement and know I have to lose 100 pounds. It was sad for awhile when I finally weighed but it no longer freaks me out and makes me eat weird. I weigh once a week and measure once a month. I know I have to do this the rest of my life since weight has been such a HUGE problem for me. I am finally accepting this. :wink:
  • ElkOil
    Weigh yourself to know the truth -- which already exists whether you get on the scale or not. So why sweat it? The scale only tells you a fraction of what you need to know, anyway. You can get healthier and fitter while not losing weight. But if weight loss is your goal, there are other indicators besides your scale. How do your clothes fit? Are you tightening or loosening your belt, or is it not changing? Being a slave to your scale can make you develop tunnel vision, losing site of your bigger health picture.
  • slashypotterness
    The scale only provides scientific feedback, it is not a judge of character or your value as a human being (priceless, btw). You need to know where you are so you can find out if you are headed in the right direction for where you want to be.

    In answer to your question. Yes. Other people get like this about weighing in. But they do it anyway. Get the feedback and move on.

    So off topic but I love your ticker...I'm a Slytherin (clearly the better house) but I have love for the Gryffindors also lol.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Oh definitely. I am excited to see if I've had a loss, and at the same time dread seeing if it will go up.

    But I know that if I don't weigh, I won't know where to start fixing what isn't working for me.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    The scale only provides scientific feedback, it is not a judge of character or your value as a human being (priceless, btw). You need to know where you are so you can find out if you are headed in the right direction for where you want to be.

    In answer to your question. Yes. Other people get like this about weighing in. But they do it anyway. Get the feedback and move on.
    Aww hellz yeah! Perfectly said. +3
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I weigh myself every day. I think you need to separate the emotion from the scale. Think of it as data points that can help you see a trend you can control. You can't control individual data points, but you can control the overall trend. Individual points, good or bad, are meaningless. Weight fluctuations are just noise.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I have had trouble with watching the scale my whole life. this time I am approaching things differently. I am logging everything I eat every day to the best of my ability. I am measuring my success first by the fact that I have logged my food for 40 days straight. I also weigh myself every day at about the same time morning. I only report losses on MFP I don't report gains because I know there are fluctuations due to water retention etc. I also keep a separate spread sheet for myself where I mark down the calories I ate everyday. The scale is not the only thing that indicates progress.

    Go ahead and step on that scale for a check point. Hopefully the number will be down but if it isn't go back to see where you can

    Good Luck
  • libby2208
    libby2208 Posts: 41 Member
    The number on the scale doesn't reflect what is in the heart and mind of the person standing on it, so try not to let your self worth be tied up in that number.

    Don't be afraid. Step on, take the reading, step off and continue making good choices. You've got this :)
  • steff274
    steff274 Posts: 227 Member
    I was like this when I started my journey I hadn't weighed in months I think I had been good with my diet for 2 weeks before I finally got on the scale and I was shocked!! I now weigh every day.. I fluctuated up a pound this morning which is more than ok I have a cut off point 6 pounds heavier than I am now which I would rein it in if I reached this point.. And I actually don't want to go any lighter than 1 pound lighter than I am now so I 1 pound gain in the night is absolutely fine by me! :)
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    Once you start losing weight consistently, you will look forward to weigh-in day so you can celebrate your success!


    Yes Yes Yes. It finally makes my Mondays not so Monday.
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    Here's the thing about weigh-ins -- your natural weight fluctuation is about two or three pounds over the course of a day. Drink a tall glass of water? You just gained one pound.

    Secondly, scales only tell weight. A scale can't tell the difference between a pound of lead and a pound of wood. Similarly, it can't tell the difference between a pound of fat and a pound of muscle. So some people don't lose "weight" even though they are losing fat.

    So don't freak out if you have gained a couple of pounds. It may be just natural fluctuations. Instead, focus on the positive lifestyle changes you made.