Can't get rid of huge stomach

So I am 6 foot 185 pounds, and most of me is in pretty good shape, but my stomach is HUGE especially after eating and I cannot seem to get rid of it no matter what (diet, exercise, you name it). Any suggestions? I included a picture, I don't think i suffer from "skinny fat" as that usually affects scrawnier people.

Hopefully the pic works-



  • your stomach is not HUGE. sometimes it take longer for the fat to come off in certain areas. just keep eating healthy and exercising. you can try weight lifting if you dont already or core strengthening workout to build up the muscle underneath,I cant see your food diary so cant see what your diet is cannot spot reduce so I would say try more core exercises/weight lifting. do you suck in your stomach when doing exercises?
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Better posture from that picture, honestly. Core muscle exercises would help a lot with that.

    You're at a good weight, so I'd say if you feel like you have a good amount of fat, you need to weight train.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    Any chance you have an umbilical hernia? I had a combo of that with some muscle separation and it's been slowly improving since I had the hernia fixed but if I eat a lot OR IF I DO ANY AB WORK I can look about 6 months pregnant when otherwise I have a flat stomach. Figure out if you have separation at all because if you do, then standard ab work outs can make it worse not better.
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Keep on going, it'll come off eventually. When I was 185 my gut was more substantial than that. The stomach seems to be one of the last places the weight comes off, so assuming you are still losing weight, you'll notice more results as you get closer to your goal weight. At least that was my experience.

    Based on this picture alone, I might say you have some excessive anterior pelvic tilt, meaning your pelvis has rotated forward over time causing your butt & stomach to stick out, giving the appearance of more gut than really exists. Happens to a lot of people who spend a lot of their day sitting. Takes a long time to fix. Lots of hip flexor stretching and proper squats help.
  • Should I suck my stomach in when doing exercises?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Should I suck my stomach in when doing exercises?

    You should engage your core when you exercise. That's much different than sucking your stomach in.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    You still have fat to lose. I'm guessing you should cut down to the mid 160s to be about 10% BF. Then you won't have a stomach and be at a good place to bulk.
  • I feel your pain OP. The area I want to get rid of the most is my gut, and it just doesn't seem to be going down at all. I'm sick of looking pregnant and having to hide my stomach under layers of clothing. I just want a flat stomach and it's soooo hard.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I can't get rid of my huge butt. That's because there's lots of fat to lose. That's life!