Last 10 pounds… Motivational Friends Wanted!

Hello! So, I am not new to MFP by any means, but I have been far less diligent with logging, etc. than I used to be. I have been stalled (not unhappily) for the past year waffling between 136-140 pounds. I suppose it was a combination of getting used to a new grad school program, starting a wonderful relationship with an awesome dude, and moving to a new town. I am just ready to lose those last ten pounds as well as get toned! I would love to make some new, motivational friends who will keep me accountable and perhaps give advice on workout regimes. Of course, I will do my best to do the same for you-- whether you're on your last ten pounds or just starting!

If it helps… a bit about me…

Age: 26
Height: 5'6/5'7
SW: ~180
CW: 138.5
GW: 130

I tend to eat what I like while keeping it under my calorie goal.

Hope to get to know y'all!
