Who else has just started lifting?


I'm really excited to re-vamp how I look at health and fitness by getting into lifting! My friends turned me on during Chest Day (and wow did it kick my *kitten*) and so now I've been lifting regularly for about a month. I've been using this site http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/wotw3.htm for general routine information and styles, but I'm wondering if anyone else has some suggestions/input? I want to stick with free weights or body weight style exercises.

Other than that, tell me why you do lift or why you've decided to start!

And feel free to add :)


  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    I just started lifting 4 days ago and it feels so good! I use bodybuilding.com also but doing the Jamie Eason Livefit program.

    Looking forward to being healthier and stronger.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I started really lifting in June. Had played with it from time to time in the past, but decided to really do it in June.
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    Basically you need basic compound movements and to progress in weight: Squat, deadlift, Bench press/Standing Press, chin ups. There is very little muscle growth benefits of training bodypart more often than 3xweek, so stick to 3. And MOST muscle growth is stimulated though first sets. So your workout should look like this : mon Squat 3sets 6-10 reps (you can make great progress doing 3 or 12 reps, so it doesnt really matter, but whatever rep range you chose make sure to stick to it and add weight every time/other time you come in the gym) Deadlift 1x6, bench press 3x6, chin ups 3X6 (add weight as you progress) wed Squat 3x6, standing press 3x6, chin ups 3x6 fri same as monday, so deadlift every second workout. The next week days change, so no deadlift on monday etc.. That's all you need pretty much. If you want a deep six pack add crunches or some other corework to the end of your workout. Actually, as a beginner you need to do corework anyway just to be able to perform compound exercises correctly, so do some corework every workout. Hope that helps
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I use Stronglifts 5x5 and I love it. It's easy, it works and I'm seeing changes in my body.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I just got the book "New rules of lifting for women" and I'm excited to start! Hitting it for the first time today. I've done free weights on and off for years but never really lifted seriously. I run and bike a lot but my upper body and core could really use some definition, so I'm looking forward to getting into it. The other reason I want to do this is that my husband used to lift more, but he's totally fallen off the wagon and isn't terribly healthy right now, so I'm hoping it'll motivate him and we can go together....

    I'll add you! : )
  • melindabrock
    melindabrock Posts: 91 Member
    I started the Jamie Eason Live fit program a month ago on bodybuilding.com and I LOVE IT! I've already seen results!