ok my new diet plan for this week has me eating 3 eggs for dinner ( probably scrambled with cucumber and carrots, maybe some mustard just for flavor)) i assume this wont hurt for a week. i don't usually eat this many eggs in one day,



  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    You'll be fine. :)

    If you feel like you're eating too much of something, just swap it for something else.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    Thoughts on scrambled eggs with cucumber, carrots, and mustard? Ew. Thoughts on 3 eggs-Yay.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    3 scrambled eggs for supper? Fire the butler!
  • Captain_Wobbles
    Captain_Wobbles Posts: 240 Member
    I suppose if you took away the cucumber, carrots and mustard and add in 9 ounces of steak you got yourself my typical breakfast. Im still alive so i suppose it wont kill you.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    well i eat turkey with my breakky and beef with my lunch, so i don't need meat for dinner. maybe ill keep carrot and cucumber as a side dish.. but apart from that mustard is awesome in scrambled eggs or omlette, not that american ****. but maybe some seeded or djon or something.

    any ways, this post is not about how im cooking it, its about the 3 eggs a day thing. cheers.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eggs at dinner. People eat breakfast for dinner all the time.
    What I do find troubling is your "diet plan". Do you plan on eating 200-250 calories of eggs for dinner for the rest of your life? Or following your diet plan for the rest of your life?

    If the answer is no, you are not teaching yourself sustainable habits. It sounds like this plan is pretty restrictive, and it's going to impede your ability to learn how to balance your meals and follow sustainable eating habits.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eggs at dinner. People eat breakfast for dinner all the time.
    What I do find troubling is your "diet plan". Do you plan on eating 200-250 calories of eggs for dinner for the rest of your life? Or following your diet plan for the rest of your life?

    If the answer is no, you are not teaching yourself sustainable habits. It sounds like this plan is pretty restrictive, and it's going to impede your ability to learn how to balance your meals and follow sustainable eating habits.

    no this is a diet plan for a 6 week body shred... i usually eat healthy and within my means to maintain. but as of late i have stopped smoking and drinking, and want to loose stubborn belly fat and chest fat. somewhat of a lifestyle change.

    my diet plan changes every week. so once my six weeks is up i will have six different meal plans i can switch it up daily. for now ill follow what i have been asked to do.

    plus like i said i eat healthy any other time. i don't have to teach by self sustainability. i already know it. i just upped my exercise and lowered my drinking.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eggs at dinner. People eat breakfast for dinner all the time.
    What I do find troubling is your "diet plan". Do you plan on eating 200-250 calories of eggs for dinner for the rest of your life? Or following your diet plan for the rest of your life?

    If the answer is no, you are not teaching yourself sustainable habits. It sounds like this plan is pretty restrictive, and it's going to impede your ability to learn how to balance your meals and follow sustainable eating habits.

    no this is a diet plan for a 6 week body shred... i usually eat healthy and within my means to maintain. but as of late i have stopped smoking and drinking, and want to loose stubborn belly fat and chest fat. somewhat of a lifestyle change.

    my diet plan changes every week. so once my six weeks is up i will have six different meal plans i can switch it up daily. for now ill follow what i have been asked to do.

    plus like i said i eat healthy any other time. i don't have to teach by self sustainability. i already know it. i just upped my exercise and lowered my drinking.


    You say you want a life style change but then propose a diet that consists of you eating eggs every night for 6 weeks. That's not a lifestyle change, that's a diet. But I'm really not judging because I eat the same damn thing all the time. Do it if ya want! I ate eggs and turkey bacon like 4 days in a row last week for dinner but I was over it by the 5th
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eggs at dinner. People eat breakfast for dinner all the time.
    What I do find troubling is your "diet plan". Do you plan on eating 200-250 calories of eggs for dinner for the rest of your life? Or following your diet plan for the rest of your life?

    If the answer is no, you are not teaching yourself sustainable habits. It sounds like this plan is pretty restrictive, and it's going to impede your ability to learn how to balance your meals and follow sustainable eating habits.

    no this is a diet plan for a 6 week body shred... i usually eat healthy and within my means to maintain. but as of late i have stopped smoking and drinking, and want to loose stubborn belly fat and chest fat. somewhat of a lifestyle change.

    my diet plan changes every week. so once my six weeks is up i will have six different meal plans i can switch it up daily. for now ill follow what i have been asked to do.

    plus like i said i eat healthy any other time. i don't have to teach by self sustainability. i already know it. i just upped my exercise and lowered my drinking.


    You say you want a life style change but then propose a diet that consists of you eating eggs every night for 6 weeks. That's not a lifestyle change, that's a diet. But I'm really not judging because I eat the same damn thing all the time. Do it if ya want! I ate eggs and turkey bacon like 4 days in a row last week for dinner but I was over it by the 5th

    hehe not eggs for six weeks. my meals plan change weekly. so its eggs for dinner every night just for this week.

    jeesh i would be so over that if it was for six weeks.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    There's nothing wrong with eggs at dinner. People eat breakfast for dinner all the time.
    What I do find troubling is your "diet plan". Do you plan on eating 200-250 calories of eggs for dinner for the rest of your life? Or following your diet plan for the rest of your life?

    If the answer is no, you are not teaching yourself sustainable habits. It sounds like this plan is pretty restrictive, and it's going to impede your ability to learn how to balance your meals and follow sustainable eating habits.

    no this is a diet plan for a 6 week body shred... i usually eat healthy and within my means to maintain. but as of late i have stopped smoking and drinking, and want to loose stubborn belly fat and chest fat. somewhat of a lifestyle change.

    my diet plan changes every week. so once my six weeks is up i will have six different meal plans i can switch it up daily. for now ill follow what i have been asked to do.

    plus like i said i eat healthy any other time. i don't have to teach by self sustainability. i already know it. i just upped my exercise and lowered my drinking.


    You say you want a life style change but then propose a diet that consists of you eating eggs every night for 6 weeks. That's not a lifestyle change, that's a diet. But I'm really not judging because I eat the same damn thing all the time. Do it if ya want! I ate eggs and turkey bacon like 4 days in a row last week for dinner but I was over it by the 5th

    hehe not eggs for six weeks. my meals plan change weekly. so its eggs for dinner every night just for this week.

    jeesh i would be so over that if it was for six weeks.

    ahahaha sorry. Misread.
  • hortensehildegarde
    sorry I know this post is not about how you cook them but you put the mustard IN the eggs? Like while it is cooking?

    I love me some mustard and some eggs but never thought to try them together. I am intrigued.

    Also no 21 eggs in a week should be fine so long as you like eggs. I'd figure if it was bad for you at all it'd be at least offset by the stopping smoking and drinking! (congrats on that by the way!)
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    sorry I know this post is not about how you cook them but you put the mustard IN the eggs? Like while it is cooking?

    I love me some mustard and some eggs but never thought to try them together. I am intrigued.

    Also no 21 eggs in a week should be fine so long as you like eggs. I'd figure if it was bad for you at all it'd be at least offset by the stopping smoking and drinking! (congrats on that by the way!)

    okay okay so i haven't actually tried this yet. but i ate at an organic place for brekky and the ingredients listed was a mustard... how ever i have no idea what mustard it was.. but daaaaaaamn it was ace. so im going to experiment a bit i guess. obviously not loads, just subtle amounts.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I could cheerfully eat eggs for every meal for a long time. So to me you plan sounds sustainable enough.

    Also - mustard - I suspect you may find dijon or the grainy stuff gives the best flavour and results. You would either need to use the powder kind or blend the mustard with a little milk to give it a consistency that will whisk in with the eggs I think.
  • hortensehildegarde
    oh yeah the coleman's (or whatever the brand is, something like that) powder- that's a good idea!
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    I eat between 2-4 eggs every morning-- workin great for me!!