Any Other Teenagers out Here?

TheReluctantDragon Posts: 21
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hey! I'm a teenager and I was just looking to see if there are any others on this forum.

If you guys read this...

How long have you tried to lose weight?

How do you fit workouts in with school/homework/all that blahblahblah?

Are your friends supportive of you? Have you told them?


  • I'm a teen too(:
    I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for many years now, but that was because I never stuck to the programs.
    Well, I work out twice a week. When I do exercise, it's a lot! But, I also eat less. To me, running once a week releases the load of stress I have of school/work/homework, ya know?
    My friends all say, "Oh, you aren't fat! Ugh! Why do you need to diet/lose weight?!" But, my close friend is supportive.
  • z941
    z941 Posts: 2

    I'm a teenager trying to lose some weight. I've been trying for over a year now and I find that I lose weight and then i've put it back on. Mainly because I reach a certain point and can't seem to get below that no matter how hard I try.

    It is difficult sometimes to fit workouts around college work and especially exams but I'm trying hard to get the work done and just put aside 20 minutes every night to work out and then longer on the weekends. :)

    It's been easier since I started this since my mum is also trying to lose weight and my best friend is trying to put on some weight. So I have support at home and at college.

    I hope you reach the weight you want. Good luck.

  • I'm 18, and I'm in college now, but I'm still technically a teenager! I just started at the end of December and I don't have a hard time fitting in workouts because of my class schedule, the only hard part is getting the motivation to workout! Once you get into a habit, it get a lot easier though! Feel free to add me!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm a teen, however I'm not currently on a weight loss journey. I'm going to school to study nutrition. :) I totally understand how unsupportive teens can be when it comes to healthy eating habits! All of my friends think I'm crazy b.c I eat healthy. They always say "Wouldn't you rather just order a burger and fries?" What you have to do is not lose sight of the wonderful things you are doing for your body and mind by making this lifestyle change. You'll be the one who will reap the benefits of getting healthy as a teen while they won't.
  • Amy_Lavigne
    Amy_Lavigne Posts: 3 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for years, as far back as I can remember. I have had some success but I always fall back. I work out after school before homework. But if I have to work I'll just do something that is like a workout. Like pushing carts.
  • I just turned 17 like 2 weeks ago. I've been overweight my whole life. a few times i've tried and lost >20lbs, but that never lasted!:(
    i've been trying seriously to lose weight for like 3ish weeks now:) and right now i do a homeschool kinda thing, so its no problem fitting in workouts, it's a problem finding motivation sometimes...but i know it's all gonna pay off!:D
    i'm only telling a few people about me trying to lose weight because i kinda wanna surprise people! but i have told 3 of my closest friends and luckily they all decided to lose weight too! we are trying to do it together, but schedules have been conflicting:( but it's nice having their support!
  • I just turned 17 like 2 weeks ago. I've been overweight my whole life. a few times i've tried and lost >20lbs, but that never lasted!:(
    i've been trying seriously to lose weight for like 3ish weeks now:) and right now i do a homeschool kinda thing, so its no problem fitting in workouts, it's a problem finding motivation sometimes...but i know it's all gonna pay off!:D
    i'm only telling a few people about me trying to lose weight because i kinda wanna surprise people! but i have told 4 of my closest friends and luckily they all decided to lose weight too! we are trying to do it together, but schedules have been conflicting:( but it's nice having their support!
    I was hoping that you would find this! lol
    I'm so proud of you!
  • WTFitness
    WTFitness Posts: 77 Member
    Teeny-bopper here (17) :smile:
    I began my most recent weight loss/fitness journey in July of last year. I started off slow by buying a bike and riding it to school and work. In August, I started P90X and I haven't looked back since.

    I was halfway through the program when school started again, and I wasn't going to give up a month of extreme discipline, so I continued to do the workouts and follow the nutrition plan (the portion plan is inexpensive and convenient!), even though that meant waking up over an hour earlier than I normally would and not having time to make myself up for school :embarassed:

    A lot of my friends will say stuff like, "You're crazy! You don't even need to lose weight." But just as many have praised my efforts and willpower. Oh, and during lunch, when I'm eating healthy food, I get a lot of "Omg looking at what you're eating is making me feel like a pig. I could never eat that! Your parents must be so proud!"
  • You guys are so awesome!

    As far as exercise goes, I get up at 6:00 and either do 20 minutes of Pilates (which gets really boring, even if it is good for my abs) or run for twenty minutes. Then in the afternoon, I run my dogs and either ride horses/ walk three miles. If I'm still up for it, I'll turn on music and just wacky dance around my bedroom to music.

    I think this is like my second week or something. Maybe 1 1/2. I haven't stepped on the scale yet. So sue me I'm scared.

    So what do you do diet wise? I eat lightly in the mornings and afternoons and then just eat portion controlled dinners with my family, avoiding fatty foods and simple carbs.

    I envy you guys with family members also losing weight. *Glows Green*

    Thanks for responding!
  • z941
    z941 Posts: 2
    I try to do a light breakfast and lunch. Lunch can be difficult sometimes but my friend usually comes don with me and makes sure I'm not picking up anything that is too unhealthy. Dinner is a family affair but I usually just make sure that my portion control doesn't slip.

    I'm was really bad for snacking. I'd pick up a packet of crips or something like that but I've tried to make sure there's healthier options like corn or fruit around. :)
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I'm still 19 (only for a few more months though!) At uni its really hard trying to eat healthily cause we have one place that sells basically everything ranging from hot chips dipped in gravy to diet coke. As for working out i am about to join a gym and will hopefully be going most days after work or once uni goes back in the middle of the day.

    If you're in need of support feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hey guys! I'm 16 and I am looking to lose about 15 pounds. I am not overweight/obese by any means, but I don't feel like I am in the best shape I can be (especially since spring and summer are only 4-5 months away! oh no, not the bikinis again...). I struggled, and sometimes still struggle, with late-night bingeing. Along with binging I went on an extremely restricted diet and successfully slowed down my metabolism and lead me to gain 15 pounds in a time-span of 3 months!!!
    So, I just started over again this week, but this time I'm more than ready to change this.

    For my diet, I eat around 1200-1300 calories due to my very small body (4"11"). If I consume anymore than that I tend to really sucks to be short, I know! As for exercise, after school I like to do circuit training (switching from cardio to weights) or jillian michaels' videos.

    All in all, I am more than happy that I saw this post because my friends and family aren't very supportive people. Plus, it's nicer to have someone closer to your own age to motivate you (:
  • hey! im not "really" a teenager per say. ill be 21 in june. but im a junior in college so i can definately understand the whole fitting workouts into the school schedule thing you've got going on lol although it is a bit easier in college. you just hafta have motivation to get skinnier and be healthier and you will find time to work out. I get up early before my classes which are all early this semester! i've been trying to lose weight for the past like 3 weeks. but sadly for like the last week i fell off the wagon so here we are getting myself motivated aagain hahah. just think positive! you can do it :):) add me if you want! im always here for support.
  • jrm39
    jrm39 Posts: 29
    hey! teen here! i'm jess. :)

    i've been wanting to lose weight for the past few months, but am only really putting it into effect now -- want to look great for graduation + the subsequent beach trip.

    it's actually pretty tough, fitting workouts between school, work, and homework. mostly i focus on eating really well on those busy days, and the days i don't have work, i workout like crazy.

    and my friends are very supportive! but my mom is especially supportive -- she helps by cooking really healthy dinners, and suggesting what to take for lunches. it's really nice having her have my back.
  • ajkebluegirl
    ajkebluegirl Posts: 25 Member
  • ajkebluegirl
    ajkebluegirl Posts: 25 Member
    Hey I'm 17 turning 18 in April. I after spending all my teens overweight i really want to lose 50 pounds
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