balancing calories and fat intake

I am trying to meet my calorie goal of 1, 200 daily. I have also been walking 5 miles every other day. I was shy of 250 to meet my goal and when I completed my diary it told me that if I continued this way for 5 weeks I would be 185lbs. I don't understand how I can balance out the calories and my fat intake to keep taking the weight off. Any food suggestions I can try? I switched to grain bread with flaxseed already and have been trying to keep my diet with nonprocessed or least processed foods.

Please help...this is why my diets fail and my personal trainer I had a couple years ago told me that I wasn't losing weight because I wasn't eating enough calories.




  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Your personal trainer was probably right. Your issue isn't what you eat, but not eating enough of it. Don't be so worried about processed foods vs non processed foods, fat content, or anything else besides calories. Once you get a handle on eating at least 1200 calories a day (more if you exercise), then you can focus on trying to include better foods in your diet. But your first focus should be trying to eat enough, and not worrying about the other stuff so much.
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Hey Angie,

    I am not the best person to help you but I completely understand where you are coming from. I recently was told I had to keep up with eating my full 1200 calories per day. The reason is (and I will provide a link that explains it much better) is that you need a certain amount of calories a day to keep your energy going in general. If you do not eat enough, your body will start slowing down to conserve energy and in turn slows down your metabolism (go to this link, hopefully that explains it better

    After taking a peek at your diary, I have a few recommendations that were given to me by a few and have proven to work on me (hopefully will help you). Definitely eat breakfast everyday. I know its an extra meal and you may not have time, but even a banana works well. This way, your body has energy in the morning and you aren't stuffing yourself by lunch. Also, try snacking (on fruit, maybe string cheese, or fresh veggies) a little in between meals, so your body has enough energy for the day.

    One cookbook I love right now is Hungry Girl 200 of 200 (title may be off). There are all these meals for under 200 calories and this way I can kind of tweak it to add a little more incase I need to. The Hungry Girl cookbooks are awesome (at least for me) and hopefully can help you too.

    My trainer also told me to stick with foods that walk, flew, grew, or swam.... and stay away from anything white (except for egg whites).

    I hope all this helps and good luck! Stick with the diary as well :)

    - Ne
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I took a look at your diary (hope you don't mind) and I see two things.

    You are not eating NEARLY enough. I'll link some threads below that will help explain metabolism and why it is important that you at least come close to your cal goals each day. One way to do this is to try to get on schedule - you're skipping meals quite a bit and that will easily leave you too low on cal goals. As mentioned, the first thing you need to do is work on meeting your cal goals (especially on days you don't work out and have fewer cals already).

    Second, the kinds of food you are eating relatively high fat, and very processed. I know it's quite difficult to make a lot of changes all at once, and I'm not saying you should. But you need to work on gradually improving the quality of the food you eat. You need a lot more lean protein, fruits and veggies. There is a lot to learn when you begin changing your eating habits. I would recommend looking around the boards for ideas on more healthy choices (ie in the Recipe section) and add some friends (feel free to add me, if you like) whose diaries you can look at to find new ideas. While it is not essential to stay under fat every day, it IS important that the majority of the fat you get is from good sources (lean meats, eggs, fish, natural oils like olive oil, nuts, avocados). So for now, focus more on cals - and gradually work on improving the fat numbers.

    Stay committed and you will be successful - just takes some time to learn healthy habits. Good luck to you!
  • allegoriedesoie
    Hi Angie,

    Welcome to MFP!

    I can tell you one thing--after looking at your diary--and it's your eating too few calories! I'm sure the other members who responded already told you this, but you gotta eat more! Don't be afraid of food, just be conscious of what you're eating ; ) A woman should NOT eat less than 1200 a day because then the body goes into starvation mode. So your body holds on to everything you eat thinking you're trying to kill it. And what ends up happening is you don't lose weight, so you get discouraged and the cycle begins again.

    One thing I think you need to find out is your BMR--which is basically the amount of calories you burn without doing exercise. After that, decide how many calories you really want to eat in a day. I don't recommend you cut from 2,000 to 1,200 calories a day cold turkey because you're just setting yourself up for damnation. Start cutting 200, then 400, then 600, until you feel you can eat the 1200 and not feel deprived.

    I'm not an expert, but from what I noticed in your diary I can try and give you some pointers. 1) eat breakfast! Strandedeyes told you, but you have to eat breakfast. People who eat breakfast are like 15lbs lighter (or something like that) than people who don't eat breakfast. So eat your breakfast! I noticed your highest fat intakes were the cheese and eggs. Next time, instead of the whole egg, just eat the egg white. And for cheese, switch to low-fat cheese.

    Here's a website which has helped me A LOT. It breaks down your meals for you and puts in the recommended 3 fruit and 5 veggie servings for you! Enjoy and I hope it helps ; )

    P.S. You HAVE GOT to drink more water! When you don't drink enough water, your body holds on to it. So drink your 8, 8oz cups of water each day! If you can squeeze in more, do so!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Wow thanks for all are sooooo smart and helpful! I love this site!!
  • angelastates
    I was wondering if that V8 stuff is good for you. I have been making smoothies with the strawberry banana V8 along with drinking 2% milk. I didn't see an option to post the drinks along with the food. That would make some difference in calories, wouldn't it?

    Thank you for all of your feedback. It's greatly appreciated :)

  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    If you need some ideas on how to eat around 1200 calories and not starve yourself, take a look at my diary. I started at 248 pounds, and now I'm down to about 188 pounds. I eat between 1200 and 1300 calories a day and never starve, which it looks like you might be doing according to your diary! I couldn't fathom eating that little and being satisfied!

    I find myself most satisfied when I eat small snacks between my meals. My meals run between 150-350 calories depending on the day and what I'm eating, and then I'll have 100-200 calorie snacks between meals.

    And I'm going to echo the water comment from allegoriedesoie! Drinking water has SO many health benefits that it's hard to list them all here, but one of the best (in my opinion at least, lol) is that it helps me feel fuller longer!

    Good luck! We're all here pulling for you whenever you need help or advice!
  • angelastates
    Thank you for the link. I think I now realize why I had my appendix removed a few years back. I didn't eat much back when it happened. As a matter of fact, I was a size 7 and 140lbs. at the time which was 5 years ago. I was reading the part on the link that if you don't take in enough calories, organs tend to run slower and problems start.

    I do try to eat breakfast, but I have insomnia and I tend to wake up around noon. That is why I usually start with lunch and I go for my walk around 3. I also have a hard time taking in enough calories because I'm already feeling like I eat too much...isn't that ironic?
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    One of the best things you can do for yourself is to regulate your sleep cycle. If you're not getting a solid 6-8 hours of sleep that can have serious side effects on your health, including slowing down your weight loss.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Thank you for the link. I think I now realize why I had my appendix removed a few years back. I didn't eat much back when it happened. As a matter of fact, I was a size 7 and 140lbs. at the time which was 5 years ago. I was reading the part on the link that if you don't take in enough calories, organs tend to run slower and problems start.

    I do try to eat breakfast, but I have insomnia and I tend to wake up around noon. That is why I usually start with lunch and I go for my walk around 3. I also have a hard time taking in enough calories because I'm already feeling like I eat too much...isn't that ironic?

    Well, but if you get up at noon, that's still morning for you, right? So regardless of what actual time it is, that is your breakfast. Then you need a snack...then lunch...snack...dinner...maybe another snack... You get the idea. If you need to, you can change the meal labels in your diary to just say certain time periods, like 12 pm- 2, 2 pm-4, etc.

    When your previous habits include skipping meals and suppressing appetite, and then binging, I think MFP is a great tool to help break that cycle. For the first couple of weeks, I had a serious lack of appetite (largely due to my previous habits of suppressing appetite.) I never ate breakfast, rarely ate lunch, then a huge dinner and grazed/binged all evening. (I have insomnia too, but it's been better since I started eating healthier & exercising.) But I worked on eating all my meals and snacks and tried to get as close to cal goal as I could. After the first 10 days or so, my appetite came back and now I can eat on a normal schedule, without feeling too full or deprived. And I look forward to eating, but am not ravenous.

    But really, as "they" say... you actually do have to eat more to lose weight - IF what you're eating is healthy food.
  • angelastates
    First of all, I just wanted to say you're doing a great job!

    Second, I was working on a night shift job for 4 years and I was getting home until 5am. Another reason was I became dependent on a medicine that had the horrible side effect of weight gain and appetite given to me by my doctor. This medicine was also good for sleeping right away. I lost my job back last May and since I had insurance thru my job, I had to quit taking it. This caused my insomnia issues. I was on this medicine for 2 years so I'm hoping that as time goes on the weight gain part is officially over when it's out of my system.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Thank you! You can do it too! :wink:

    Definitely, a lot of drugs can wreak havoc on your systems. Sometimes they're necessary, but they often leave you with other horrible things to overcome. Hopefully as you get things under control again, the insomnia will get better, and the weight loss easier.
  • angelastates
    I checked out the website and I was wondering if there's anything I can do to make up not wanting to eat veggies. I can only eat carrots, celery, and broccoli only raw. I have texture issues with cooked veggies. Do you have any advice or maybe know any alternatives? My husband is now trying to get me to "like" eating them because he says I HAVE to eat them if I want to lose weight.
    What do you think?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    When texture of an item is a problem, throw it in a blender, spinach in your mashed potatoes looks like some parsley was tossed in, carrots add plenty of moisture to my meatloaf etc.

    So get a blender, a mini processor, something that you won't "feel" the texture and go to town on your veggies
  • angelastates
    wow. That sounds like a great idea! I will definitely have to try that. :) Thank you for mentioning that. It may just work! Now I have to think about what to get when I buy groceries tomorrow.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    First of all, I just wanted to say you're doing a great job!

    Second, I was working on a night shift job for 4 years and I was getting home until 5am. Another reason was I became dependent on a medicine that had the horrible side effect of weight gain and appetite given to me by my doctor. This medicine was also good for sleeping right away. I lost my job back last May and since I had insurance thru my job, I had to quit taking it. This caused my insomnia issues. I was on this medicine for 2 years so I'm hoping that as time goes on the weight gain part is officially over when it's out of my system.

    Have you tried taking Melatonin. You can get this in the vitamin aisle. 3-5mg is good (I take 3mg). You only take is for a couple of weeks. You take it about an hour before bed. It is something that your body naturally produces - it's our sleep regulator. But when our sleep schedules become off our bodies will produce melatonin at the wrong time if at all. Night shift work can wreak havoc on the melatonin production. Check the internet on how to take it. My doctor put me on Lunesta but only briefly. After that she recommended melatonin. It's not expensive and you don't need insurance to buy it. Bad sleep can be very detrimental to weight loss.

    I didn't have a problem going to sleep or even staying asleep but my my sleep was really bad.

    As far as eating veggies. I just deal with the texture and taste (I also have a texture issue with all kinds of food). When having a salad I chop up the veggies I don't like as much into smaller pieces. Or I'll throw some raisins in the salad. The sweetness helps.
  • angelastates
    Due to not having insurance, I was unable to continue my previous prescription for sleep. My doctor advised me to take melatonin 10mg and double dose any of the sleep aids recemmended dose. I still had my bad nights, more than good nights, and that didn't work. I get restless legs because I still go through withdrawals since I was on the prescription for 3 years. Last month I decided that this wasn't a very healthy way to live being dependent on pills to make me sleep thru the night. I have taken up drinking a Sleepytime tea and drink lots of it. I wanted it to be more normal and a healthy way to relax than turning to pills that will cause drowsiness.