Confused about Net Calories

So I have been messing around with my goals and calories burned today. I cannot wrap my head around the Net Calories? So my daily intake should be 1200, I ate 1086, exercised 1000 = Net 86??? I am sure it must be easy but I don't get it. Anyone explain it to me? The other thing that confuses me is on the goal page it says Daily calorie deficit is says 720 calories....


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    The short story: MFP takes your info, calculates what you need to function each day (based on height/weight/age/activity level.) It then subtracts the amount you chose for your loss/week goal. Then, if you log exercise, it adds cals (because you burned more). The Net cals = cals eaten - exercise

    Here is a thread that explains how MFP calculates goals and deficits -

    Hope this helps.
  • jAdorelife
    net calories is the amount of cals in v. the amount of cals out. so it takes the amount of cals you ate & subtracts the amount of cals burned. you should really eat back some of your burned cals because if you burn everything you eat working out then your body isn't going to have the energy for all other body functions. & you'll start burning muscle instead of fat because it's easier to do as well as your body storing fat.
  • jAdorelife
    & your cal deficit is the number of calories your body naturally burns without any added excercise minus the goal amount of calories it tells you to eat everyday. so i burn 2240 calories everyday naturally, my calorie intake goal is 1240..which leaves me 1000 extra calories that I'm burning without working out. 1000 cal deficit sets you up for 2lbs a week & it's not recommended to go over that amount.
  • allegoriedesoie
    It's simple math: 1086 (eatten) - 1000 (exercise) = 86. It's basically telling you, your body only ended up taking 86 calories in the day. FYI: don't eat less than 1200 or you'll be hitting a plateau really soon.

    On your second question: do you mean the "daily goal"? I can't see the "daily calorie deficit" on my goal page, so I'm confused on this one LOL
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    The daily calorie deficit you mention is the deficit that MFP automatically subtracts from your BMR + activity level. If you chose 1.5 lb/week loss goal (which you did, if your deficit is around 750), then MFP subtracts 750 cals per day (5250 cals per week = 1.5 lb). This is a built in deficit, to keep your weight loss at about that rate. If you log exercise, MFP adds cals for that, to keep the deficit at the right amount for 1.5 lb loss/week.

    Make sense?
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Thanks everyone. Very helpful actually!