breakthrough, i think a buddy would help.

well, I've been trying to figure out why my success hasn't really changed since I started using MFP & I think it's because even though I'm more motivated seeing everyone's fabulous progress & motivation. I'm still not anymore accountable than I was before. Even though now I can clearly see what I'm putting in my mouth if I know I ate something that's going to put me over I just stop logging for that day (horrible i know, im working on it!). & if I didn't workout more than 30 mins at one time, I don't bother logging that either because you don't burn fat until after that (it's still burning though). I think having someone with around the same amount of weight to lose as myself that isn't as impersonal as a challenge can be will help me really stay on point & hopefully help my buddy too! so I have around 100lbs to lose maybe a little more & 12 more lbs on my first mini goal (: (60lbs!, but never again will i have a mini goal that big hahaha) I feel like I'm filling out a personal add, but it would obviously be best if it's someone I'm also geing have something in common with.

So ready, here goes nothing...
I'm 21 & a senior year nursing student. I only have classes two days a week so there's really no reason at all for me to not get plenty of work outs in. I have a few really exciting oppurtunities coming up in the next few months (1st one being in 5 weeks, yikes!) & I'm trying to get the weight off as fast as possible without doing anything dangerous because I want to be healthy & keep the weight off. I'm looking for someone that's going to keep me accountable, as I'll do for them. I have goals of how much I want to work out every week & how many cals I want to burn & such. I want to start logging everything!! no excuses!! & i think the best way to check eachother would be reading our logs (you can password protect them so you dont have to make them public). plus I know I've found it can be hard to get a challenge going sometimes & we would be able to do challenges together & not necessarily have to start a whole group. so if anyone has around the same weight goals & thinks the buddy system could work with weight loss let me know (:


  • Drealicious
    how much do you weghi right now, and what is your goal?
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    feel free to add me chicky! I want to lose 30kgs eventually.... I think its 70lbs?
    Bahh- so I want to lose all of this by September! My mini goal is to lose half or 10kgs by May!!!!!
    We can do this! and you cant not log everything haha thats cheating and a waste of time!
    c'mon you can do better :o)
  • jAdorelife
    CW is 227 & GW is 115

    haha well not everything, but eveything that makes sense haha
    added you(:
  • brittanymonster
    We are in a similar boat. I'm also a 21-year-old college student with plenty of time on my hands otherwise. I'd be happy to buddy-up. =D
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    motivation is the hardest part. it can be so difficult sometimes. you are right, buddies certainly help. feel free to add me!
  • allegoriedesoie
    I'm in a sort of similar situation! I've lost 90lbs so far but I have 30lbs more to lose. It's nothing compared to what I've lost, but it's so annoying by now. LOL. Anyway, I tend to eat a bit over my calories and sometimes I log them on different days. The key I've learned is to zig-zag my calories but end up with the same weekly result. This past week was a bad one so I'm getting back on track. After the holidays, it's been hard to be a good girl LOL I've friend requested you just about now ; )

    P.S. making your diary available to your friends, sort of puts you on the spot of doing well. It's what I did and has helped a lot. It embarrasses me to put the naughty foods I ate, but it helps not to do it again.
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hey i'm a senior yr nsg student too, would love to be friends for more than 1 reason