The.... Scale?

brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been weighing myself everyday in the morning, when my stomach is empty. I weighed myself a couple of days ago and I was at 229. finally! the 220's!!! But then for 2 days, I didn't work out. And I had some really greasy pizza. I haven't gotten on the scale. I'm thinking I'm going to stay off the scale until the weekend. Don't want to disappoint myself. Bc I know I'll just be totally depressed if it's high. So my question...

how often do yall weigh yourselves?


  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    I used to do it every two weeks every friday but changed it to only once a week every friday morningl
    The only reason I did this is because if I slip up I can see it and get back on track before any mmore damage is done.
  • I also do once a week on a Friday morning- i figure i am "better" during the week and saturday is my treat day so friday makes sense for me.
  • Getting out of the habit of weighing yourself every day can be as hard as dieting!!! If eating the wrong food and putting weight on makes us feel so bad, why do we do it? If getting on the scales everyday and maintenance or weight gain displayed makes us feel bad, why do we do it? weighing ourselves is an addiction just like food, your on here to break that addiction and start controlling it, so adopt the same attitude to your scales! Once a week is sufficient, and you're gonna find it hard! Give your scales to a friend or family member if your not strong enough at present to just put them away for a week, maybe cut down in steps, weigh every other day, then every three days etc etc until you get to a week. When you've lost enough weight and gained control of your diet, life, scales etc the list is endless lol, your addiction to the scales will disappear and you'll measure with your clothes and common sense.
    Quit the habit hunni!!!
    Hope this helps, much love and luck xxx
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Sound advice. I actually had a post about weighing yourself less frequently. I, of course, do not practice what I preach and have the scale right in front of my bedroom door so that I must stand on iit at least 3 times per day. I do this not because I think that small changes throughout the day actually hold any meaning but because....well it's right in front of my door and it's kind of a habit now. I used to weigh only twice a month but found that my loss stagnated. At least the multiple weigh-ins allow me to stay focused on what I'm trying to do. It's more of a reminder than an indicator of success or failure.

    If you're emotionally tied to that number on the scale, then definitely weigh yourself less. Make your goal not to weigh more than you did the last time rather than some particular number. That helped me get through my first 15 pounds.
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    once a week me to on a Friday so i can have a treat on Saturday . your body fluctuates so much hunni good luck
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Weigt in day is on a Sunday for the purpose of this site, but I do get on again mid-week to see if I'm on the right track!
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I actually weigh myself every morning and check my body fat usually once a week. I know people say you shouldn't do this, but I got into the habit in the gym when I was in good shape. When I'm not working out I don't tend to weigh myself except every so often or when clothes start fitting tighter.
  • Im an obsessive weigher!! official weigh in is every saturday,but im on and off it all the time sometimes 3 times a day its so an unhealthy obsession the only way i stopped was having hubby hide the scales away in the loft but then id get stressed without them nuts i know!......the best way is once a week but just do what feels right for you,your weight flutuates so much during the day/week....good luck hun xx
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    I have an unfortunate habit of weighing myself everyday. I read an awesome article (check it out!! ) on here somewhere that you have to eat 3500 calories extra to your calorie intake to gain a I highly doubt that if you have gained it's fat. Just carry on as you have done and get exercising and drinking your water and I think you should be fine. Everybody has their off days! You're only human :wink:
  • i think i have the same addiction as you, i seem to constantly weigh myself while i am trying to loose weight. I think i need to start doing it once a week.

    Personal challanges for this week:

    * Weigh myself once, on monday only.
    * Do at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week.
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