Channing Tatum bacon wrapped and dipped in hot fudge

ok ladies and moms in particular...sorry for the misleading title but now that I have u here. My little girl has an all day appointment at childrens hospital tomorrow for a video EEG and they are needing her to be sleep deprived so, I have a task this evening and need advice on how to keep an 8 yr old awake half the night. Keep in mind she loves her sleep.

Most of you ladies have pretty sound advice so, I turn to you. (I said MOST of you) :wink:


  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I would suggest having a multitude of games on hand. Video and board games are fun and keep your brain engaged so that she is less likely to drift off to sleep. Not knowing what her level of health is or why she is needing an EEG, but if she's up to it you could also play outside, weather permitting. Some of the best times I have with my kids is just chasing them around playing hide and seek and tag. Bonus: If you have any particularly crappy neighbors you could use this opportunity to TP their house and then blame "those crazy kids" when they are grumbling about it tomorrow.
  • Screwedntattooed
    Screwedntattooed Posts: 238 Member
    I don't know about your child but give my kids internet access and they can be up all night long! Good luck with that though, just because she has to stay up she will want to go to sleep at 7pm lol
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    Whatever you do, don't watch movies! You might be able to get away with one, in the beginning, but after that, no tv. If she loves sleep she'll fall asleep quick for a movie.

    What does she like to do? I would suggest doing low activity things with bursts of heavy activity to get the "second wind". Maybe have a makeover night, play board games and then do a dance off or play cartoon tag. Make a bet to see who can stay up the longest?

    Every kid is different, if I tell my kids they have to be to bed early, they won't be able to sleep all night, if I tell them to stay awake, they are out like a light.

    Tell us about her, maybe we can come up with some better ideas.
  • TravelinChiGal
    TravelinChiGal Posts: 216 Member
    Damn. Lured under false pretenses, but for the best reason!!

    Silly games, Dress up, Mad Libs, Baking Cookies, Playing video dance games. Take her to a late night movie (make it a special daddy daughter date).

    Good luck with the EEG!!!!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    A dark roast with cream and sugar
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Coffee and a movie
  • NotShena
    NotShena Posts: 172 Member
    SUGAR!!!!!!!! Tickle her when she starts getting sleepy. Chase her around the couch. Chocolate. Sing and dance party.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Um...damn I fell for it.

    I'm going to agree with the no movie thing. Snacks and games are a good idea, a scavenger hunt in the dark would be another good idea. Get some glow in the dark nail polish and try it out

    Have a countdown party get the glow sticks and such out and make a big deal about it. I have an 8 yr old who would love that. Oh yes play the Wii game if you have it.

    Edit: Oh and bless your heart! Good luck with all her tests and such.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    1. Make it a game. Whoever falls asleep first gets a mustache or beauty mark drawn on their face.
    2. Introduce her to something new or exciting. Do you live by the ocean or mountains? Can you camp for the night and take turns making up stories about the stars or telling her,about mythology.
    3. Slumber party, with her friends and...#1 combined. Enlist her friends help.
    4. Make food for someone. It could be a 'gift' batch of cookies or cake to a relative or best friend, decorating is a must. Or maybe food for a homeless shelter if she is more civically-minded
    5. Make- overs and put on a 3am fashion show, best if combined with #3.
    6. Create and put on a play. She can come up with the premise, you can create a set design, and then put on the production.
    7. Skype someone in a different country. There might be MFPers on here who are willing to entertain your little girl with their 'accent' and discussion of cultural differences of mac and cheese.

    If I think of anything more, I'll add it later.
  • dMonster01
    dMonster01 Posts: 214 Member
    With my daughter I would have to bet her she can't then she would absolutely have to.
  • _DomiNate_
    Thanks a bunch ladies. All very good advice. If I could find a bacon wrapped hot fudge dipped Channing Tatum pic, I would post it just for all of you.

    The little princess has been diagnosed with petit mal seizures since she was 3 and they just want to do this study to see where she's at and how well the meds are controlling it.
  • SugarBabyGirl
    SugarBabyGirl Posts: 7,026 Member
    Would it be easier to wake her up super early instead of keeping her up late? If you could do that then you could go for an early morning swim or walk. You could go for breakfast AND then play games or bake or do whatever...
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    Good luck at her appointment, I hope the meds are working amazingly. And have fun staying up all night!! That's a whole lot of quality time that she's going to remember for a long time.