waking up at the butt crack o' dawn

I have the diet and exercise thing down. I'm in bed by 10 usually..I want to wake up early and get on my treadmill. I cannot bring myself do it. I try everyday, and I snooze all SIX of my alarms and still don't get up! How can I change this :(


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Go to bed earlier... Or put your alarm clock far away from your bed so you actually HAVE to get out of bed to turn it off. Once you're out - don't climb back in. Throw some cold water on your face and head for the treadmill!

    I get out of bed every morning around 5am to go outside and do my cardio (and I live in Canada where's there's snow!). Like Nike says - Just Do It!! When you think about it, just think about it as part of your day - you'll get the hang of it :)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Experiment with different times to work out,
    I am just NOT a morning person--no matter how many times I have tried. I work out either at lunch or after work.
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    Drink water before bed (not much) but that gotta go urge is what gets me up an hour earlier than I have to everyday.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Agree, move your alarm clock to furthest point away from bed that you can. do not set more than one alarm either unless you have a very loud one that you can set in another room to go off 1 minute after your bedroom alarm goes off. No point going back to bed if you have to get up and traipse to another room 1 minute later! If that fails then do your treadmill workout in the evening while watching tv or whatever.

    Oh and your title made me smile. I had a friend called Dawn that hated that saying...just reminded me of her
  • Triguy83
    Triguy83 Posts: 57 Member
    Having the Alarm far away helps. I also have my alarm play my favorite get your lazy *kitten* up and lets get **** done song then I splash some Ice Cold Water on my face works 99.9% of the time.
  • AnneMSel
    Put your alarm clock on your treadmill?

    When you realise you're there you might feel the urge to hop on and start running :o)

    On a more serious note, I suffer from this problem as well. I like to be in work for 7:30am at the latest and it's a 45 minute commute. So it means for me to get there after exercising, showering and having a healthy breakfast, I need to wake up at the latest 5:30am. It's a struggle.

    If you find a solution, please let me know!
  • XiomaraSantana
    I just read an article and this personal trainer said she puts every alarm possible on her and her husbands cell phone the standard alarm and goes to bed in her workout clothes, hair in pony tail and ready to go , I tried that last night and she was right I was motivated more by having been dressed and ready to go
  • TeeTee11
    Agree, move your alarm clock to furthest point away from bed that you can. do not set more than one alarm either unless you have a very loud one that you can set in another room to go off 1 minute after your bedroom alarm goes off. No point going back to bed if you have to get up and traipse to another room 1 minute later! If that fails then do your treadmill workout in the evening while watching tv or whatever.

    Oh and your title made me smile. I had a friend called Dawn that hated that saying...just reminded me of her

    lol well I AM Irish, so it's fitting :)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    My sister is an early morning runner. One morning her alarm (it was set to a local radio station) went off and she hit the snooze, deciding that she just didn't want to run that morning. Nine minutes later, the radio alarm came back on playing the song.....

    FAT BOTTOMED GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Needless to say she got up and ran.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    My sister is an early morning runner. One morning her alarm (it was set to a local radio station) went off and she hit the snooze, deciding that she just didn't want to run that morning. Nine minutes later, the radio alarm came back on playing the song.....

    FAT BOTTOMED GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Needless to say she got up and ran.


    Just for the record, this post makes me want to get up early and go workout! But I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON EITHER! But it makes for a much better day huh??? As of now it is 9:44pm where I live I still have to dry my hair, maybe I will go workout in the morning too??? but that means i need to get up at 7am...gross
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm the same way. Moving the alarm doesn't help me, I'll get up, turn it off and go back to bed :laugh: For now, I'll stick to my night work outs until I can get up with out pushing the snooze.
  • hardybelle83
    You really have to WANT to do it. I know, I know, easier said than done.
    But you have to make it a priority.. make YOURSELF a priority! How much better will you feel throughout the day knowing you started your morning with a run on the treadmill ??

    I used to be an evening exerciser due to work constraints but I hated it! I hated giving up time with my family. Now that I have a different job situation, I'm able to workout before I go to work @ 8. Which means getting up no later than 5am (my workouts are on the long side, thanks to P90X) I have plenty of time to workout, shower, get ready, do a few things around the house, make coffee,get my lunch ready, etc. My days are so much better when I work out early.

    Some people just cannot get up and do it in the morning, and there's really nothing wrong with that. If you have the time to workout later in the day and it makes you happier, that's when you should work out. The best time for you to work out is when you will actually DO it and do it consistently! Good luck girl!! :)