Trying to put this in my little status box was too much! I need to vent!!!!!!

Last week, I didn't work out but maybe 15 minutes, and I lost 2.5lbs that week. The week before I worked out 2, maybe 3 times and lost 5lbs. This week I've been working out every day whether it be yoga or cardio and I'm GAINING weight!!!! Whyyyyyy!!!

I've been eating healthy all week, it's ridiculous. Last night I went to dinner and that was the only night I probably went over my calories and it wasn't by much! Instead of getting the chicken marsala, I got the salmon. I ate a wedge salad before hand and I had some mushrooms with it. Like seriously, before hand I would have been devouring the pasta, bread, and potatoes covered in cheese.... all kinds of bad stuff.

Maybe it's because I'm weighing everyday, my weigh in days are Mondays. But I'm really frustrated... Not to get too personal but I think a lot of it has to do with my digestion too. I eat a fiber bar and hummus every day for my fiber and it doesn't seem to be doing anything differently than it did before my diet.

OH! AND!!!! All of a sudden, I'm breaking out like a kid going through puberty! I NEVER had acne, but like one pimple around aunt flow, now I have like a new one every day!!! It's these kinds of things that make me want to give up and just forget about it! Why lose the weight? Who gives a ****? I know if I do this I'll be able to have my family I've always wanted, but maybe I can just adopt instead. Sick thoughts, I know. But seriously, I'm so frustrated today... I'm not doing my yoga. Maybe I'll sit here and meditate or pray or something but for pete's sake!

Thanks for listening!


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Are you drinking LOTS of WATER? To process fiber, you need to have water! This could also explain your weight gain as things aren't being properly eliminated.

    The other explanation could be muscle development. If you are gaining muscle, you may see fluctuations in your weight. This takes time to level out, this is why patience is of utmost importance here and sticking with it!!

    How is your nutrition plan? Are you eating many processed foods or are you cooking everything yourself? This makes a big difference in a nutrition plan... Possibly making your diary public would help in guiding you in the right direction?

    The break out - possibly the amount of sugars (refined and added in foods - not natural sugars like in fruits). Since I've eliminated this I haven't had a breakout. And I used to have the same problem (upper back and breakouts in the facial area), Other things I've changed in my nutrition is that I don't eat gluten, processed foods, table salt (I use natural sea salt), butter of any kind (I cook with coconut oil), no bread or pastas (unless gluten free), no milk (switched to unsweetened almond milk). So if you see on this list some things you're eating a lot of, it/they may be the culprit.
  • Eliannasmom
    Eliannasmom Posts: 55 Member
    two words water retention... when you exercise your body holds onto more water just give it awhile and it will bounce back to normal! Also think of how much better toned muscles look than just skinny :)
  • rme921
    rme921 Posts: 22
    You have to do what makes you feel. As for the weighing every day...I actually threw my scale away because of the same thing. I don't go by the pounds that I have lost, just by how I feel in my clothes. They seem to be getting bigger on a slow basis.....but as long as I feel good that is all that matters. I now weigh myself at work once every two weeks.

    I wouldn't give up because you had an off week and didn't lose any weight.....our bodies fluctuate with water weight and although it gets frustrating, if losing weight is what you really want to do, you shouldn't give up.

    As for acne, I'm 43 and still break never just isn't for kids. Keep up the good work and you will be rewarded in the end! :happy:
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    could be a number of things, water retention, muscle gain, not eating enough calories (are you eating exercise calories back?)

    Stick with it. Weight goes up and down...

    Also, are you weighing in at the same time/day each week?
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    first of all hun take the batteries out of your scale!!! Only put them in on Monday mornings after you use the ladies room! Then take them out again. Not having them in there makes it less convenient to weigh yourself everyday. You should also be drinking half your body weight in oz. So if you weigh 200 pounds then you should be drinking 100 oz everyday. I drink 4 litres of water. Im so overweight that I have to drink a fricken lake to keep afloat. Be positive!!! We are all here for you!!! If you are making changes such as exercising and nutrition it will catch up with you eventually! It takes time but one day after lots of hard work you will notice it! Myself I have noticed next to nothing but I know eventually it will happen. Its a pain in the *kitten* and I too would just rather stay fat with my bag of chips but I know I cant!!! Good Luck hun!!!
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    I guess I've stopped drinking as much water as I used to. I'm further away from the ice/water machine at work now. LOL That should be motivation to actually's an extra walk.

    Umm I eat a mixture of processed/home made because of my schedule at work. I try to make breakfast and dinner but eat pre-made for lunch. I have stoped eating so many frozen dinners though, to help with the sodium.

    Sometimes I eat exercise calories back, but not always. However my "exercise calories" are usually only anywhere from like 100-300, so it's not like a massive amount.

  • tinkerbell1964
    i get faster results when i've drunk loads of water , and when i first started exercising i had a weight gain of 2lbs in my first week , stick to it , this does work
  • tinkerbell1964
    I carry a bottle of water around with me everywhere i go and fill it up when it's empty, the bottle is 500ml size and when i've filled it up 4 times in the day , i know i've roughly had 8 full glasses of water a day , not always the case though, but i do try my best , as before i used this site i hardly drank water at all , and only 2 coffee's and one fruit juice a day
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    just keep with it. I know we are both doing this to start a family. YOU CAN DO THIS. don't take one small bump in the road and think its the end of the world. STAY POSTIVE AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD.
  • Monique2011
    You may very well have lost some fat, but gained muscle in exchange; MUSCLE weighs more than fat!!! The scale does NOT tell you the whole story, it only gives you weight. Take note of your measurements (chest, waist, thighs, arms, and legs) always at the widest point once a month. This will begin telling you more of the story. And remember, exercise works best when combined with a healthy diet. Keep increasing exercise, drinking your recommended water intake, and choose healthy foods and you will begin seeing positive results!!!
  • Tash_Bgosh
    Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
    I so feel your pain. I've been feeling the same way lately but I figure it took a while to put the wieght on and so it may take longer to get it off. But I've realized I like working out even if I may not want to admit it. Knowing that I'm doing something good for my body for once makes me stress a lil less. One day at a time.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    just keep with it. I know we are both doing this to start a family. YOU CAN DO THIS. don't take one small bump in the road and think its the end of the world. STAY POSTIVE AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

    Thanks for making me cry...jerk. :smile:
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member

    Read this article. I felt just like you last week and it's made me feel so much better. Keep calm and carry on :flowerforyou:
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    just keep with it. I know we are both doing this to start a family. YOU CAN DO THIS. don't take one small bump in the road and think its the end of the world. STAY POSTIVE AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

    Thanks for making me cry...jerk. :smile:

    Sorry for the tears, but its the truth. I know that i can't raise a healthy family in my current lifestyle. I know that you can do this. I know that i can do this. All it takes is a little hope, a little faith, and A LOT of persistance. to quote the lead singer of my favorite band 311 "STAY POSITIVE AND LOVE YOUR LIFE"

    Seriously, hit me up anytime you need some help. I can give you my work email too if you want. that way if you need any motivation through-out the day I can help more quickly.

    We are doing this for the same reason, and I won't let you fall and not try and help pick you back up.

    Its all love.

    Much respect.
  • littlebit76548
    I don't normally reply to message boards, but I feel like I should for this one. I have the same problem, but mine is related to hormones and thyroid. Have you ever had those checked? I don't gain much during pregnancies, but gain a lot during breastfeeding. Most people gain on depo provera, depo luprom, and prometrium, but I lose weight no matter what I eat or how I exercise. When my thyroid malfunctioned I gained no matter how I ate or exercised. So, I know most think its just water weight or other normal problems, but if you haven't you may want to talk to your doctor about getting some testing done to make sure it isn't something else. Problem with testing is also that hormone testing is very sensitive and may not show the problem. My doctor ended up going after my symptoms rather than the results to figure out my issue. Not saying you have these issues, and they may be regular diet/exercise frustrations, but just suggesting it could be something else. Regardless, keep up the exercise and the eating right because it will help make you healthier. Good luck!
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member

    Yes I've had my thyroid checked. My grandmother had hers removed and my mom is having problems now. I've been very proactive in the health related field because it seems like if there is something out there, someone in my family has it. 90% of my family has diabetes, so I'm tested for that every 6 months. I'm trying to get my weight down for numerous reasons, but heath problems is huge motivation. Thanks, I continue to check everything out on a regular basis :)
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I decided that I needed to add this here as well!

    I totally know how you feel! I used to weigh myself EVERYDAY to see how much weight I had lost because I had worked out for 6-7 days straight and eaten SO well...only to see no movement or it went up! And it was devestating because I was always told - you eat right and exercise and you WILL lose weight. Now that is true, but there are some caveates to that.

    1 - the first weight that you lose is water weight

    2 - when you first start working out your body is going to retain water to help rebuild your muscles

    3 - your body weight can change daily and sometimes several pounds the same day - there were days that I would weigh and I would be up 10 pounds and 2 days later it would all be gone!

    4 - when you start to feed your body the right kinds of food and you start exercising and drinking water your body starts to get rid of all of the toxins that you have been storing up. I looked like I was a 15 year old when I first started, I was breaking out ALL the time!

    This takes time, it doesn't happen over night. We live in a world of instant gratifcation and if I didn't see the results that I expected then I got pissed and discouraged and I WOULD go on an eating binge.

    But overtime I learned new behaviors and the weight started to come off. I've lost 113 pounds and I weighed over 340 pounds when I started this journey, it is possible and can happen if you stick to it. :)
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    Thank you :) your loss is very motivating
    I decided that I needed to add this here as well!

    I totally know how you feel! I used to weigh myself EVERYDAY to see how much weight I had lost because I had worked out for 6-7 days straight and eaten SO well...only to see no movement or it went up! And it was devestating because I was always told - you eat right and exercise and you WILL lose weight. Now that is true, but there are some caveates to that.

    1 - the first weight that you lose is water weight

    2 - when you first start working out your body is going to retain water to help rebuild your muscles

    3 - your body weight can change daily and sometimes several pounds the same day - there were days that I would weigh and I would be up 10 pounds and 2 days later it would all be gone!

    4 - when you start to feed your body the right kinds of food and you start exercising and drinking water your body starts to get rid of all of the toxins that you have been storing up. I looked like I was a 15 year old when I first started, I was breaking out ALL the time!

    This takes time, it doesn't happen over night. We live in a world of instant gratifcation and if I didn't see the results that I expected then I got pissed and discouraged and I WOULD go on an eating binge.

    But overtime I learned new behaviors and the weight started to come off. I've lost 113 pounds and I weighed over 340 pounds when I started this journey, it is possible and can happen if you stick to it. :)
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. look at the inches you are losing before you get too frustrated. It will be ok. we are all here for you and you can vent anytime. have a great and wonderful day.