Hey guys....trying to get MY MOJO BACK....

Hello. I have been a member on MFP for a while however I am have not been consistent since last year. I decided LAST NIGHT to QUIT WW once again and refocus with MFP and try and be MORE ACTIVE in this community hoping it helps me stay focused. I rejoined WW in early June but tracked via MFP. I have never liked the points system because I NEVER did well with it all the other times I was a member over the past 15 years. I got tired of it and that is when I would leave WW for a while. I am an on again off again member. I first started in March of 1999. My longest time away was from Feb. of 2009 until June of this year.

I decided to use MFP instead of their website to track because I had used it last year consistently between Sept and Christmas and had gotten to my lowest weight IN YEARS, but I felt I needed to weigh in SOME WHERE ELSE....so that is what I did. Between Christmas and June I kept losing and gaining the same 10 pounds. I was hoping that WW was going to motivate me. Well I have lost a total of 4 pounds of the 10 but I just NEVER FELT LIKE I LOVED being back at WW. I dreaded the Sat. morning weigh in, and GET THIS.... I SAW SOME OF THE SAME FACES that I used to see years and years ago. Most are not even lifetime members. I have spent about 170 bucks and am just not LOVING IT. I NEED TO GET MY MOJO BACK....track consistently and stop the vicious cycle of feeling deprived, going off on an eating tangent and gaining and losing. I always feel deprived on WW. I hate the feeling of BEING ON A DIET. I swear when I just watch portions this time last year, I did great. I didn't try and go hard core either. When I am on WW.... I will literally NOT GO OUT TO EAT 2-3 days before I weigh in on Sat. mornings. I really really watch everything I eat like a hawk. Then on Sat. it is MY SPLURGE DAY. I know this is NOT RIGHT. I need to stop this cycle. So I set myself up for that cycle of deprivation and rewarding myself with food after the weigh in. NOT GOOD!!!

I am GREAT with exercise.....well at least I think I am. LOL I walk/do a lot LS dvd's and last year my exercise miles were 812. This year I am trying to get to 1000. I am looking forward to getting to know people who are also fighting the weight loss battle.


  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Recommitting myself to daily logging as well. Been on here 3+ years and lost 40 punds that I kept off for a year and 1/2. Added 10 lbs back over the last year and determined to get at least 5 of them back off. Regular logging is the only thing that works for me! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • edbk35
    edbk35 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks.... I added you.
  • photochik71
    photochik71 Posts: 37 Member
    I decided to try WW again a couple of months ago too. I could only do about a week of it before giving up! Hate it! Just too much like a diet for me. I really don't think you get to eat enough with the points system. I started back with MFP today.
  • edbk35
    edbk35 Posts: 13 Member
    I hope we both succeed. :)