Help! I have gained weight!

I have been following my food and exercise diaries (almost) very strictly for 2 weeks now, apart from Saturday when I was at a family party. I walk 4 miles almost every day and I have joined a gym but for some reason I seem to have put on 2lbs. Now I know some of you will answer with the whole muscle more than fat explanation but I also haven't lost any inches.

My diet plan is 1200 calories which I usually am slightly below on, especially on the days I exercise.
I walk 4 miles a day at least 4 days a week at a 15 minute per mile pace.
I go to the gym and run or row for around 90 minutes a week.

I'm generally a healthy person, I just want to shift my 'winter coat', I put on 8lbs since September which went up to 10lbs when I weighed myself again on Monday. I would like to lose about a stone over the next few months. I currently weigh 150lbs (up from 148lbs last Monday) and am 5ft 8".

Any help, tips, explanations etc would help lots.

Charlotte xxx


  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Is it yourTOM? I gain 4-8lbs due to water retention during my TOM.

  • keepitoff99
    You're probably going to hear this a few times but 1200 calories in not enough to eat if you are exercising that much.
    You need to eat your exercise amount as well as 1200.

    Let me share my experience. I was trying for 1200 cal a day and exercising up to 500 cal a day.
    I was not losing anything for about three weeks/very frustrated.

    So I changed my weight loss goal to 1 lb a week, which put my cal a day up to 1440 plus my exercise so I am averaging about 1900 calories a day total. This allows me to eat well and not worry to much as I have lots of room for snacks in the evening or during the day.

    So, how is this working for me? I lost 5.5 lbs last week! Just one week of it and that was the results.

    You have to eat to lose the weight. Eat right and exercise. People will say it over and over on this site that you cannot lose weight if you are not supporting your body with the right amount of calories. You work out a lot so you need to eat more. Seems wrong even writing it but I'm sure many will agree.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Add sugars to your tracker. For a 1,200 calorie diet they suggest 24 grams. Now, thankfully this number gets higher with exercise. After I started tracking sugar I realized so many of my favorite "healthy" foods were loaded with sugar (protein bars, marinara sauce, salsa's, and heavy fruits).

    I hope this helps. It helped me!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Possibly still some sodium intake from over the weekend, I noticed that you had a pretty big Saturday.. and it's possible that it has hindered your weight loss a little.... Try drinking extra water and getting in some exercise over the next few days.. it should go back down.
  • tiffsNEWlife
    Well there could be a couple of explainations. My first thought would be water weight. How high is your sodium intake? Are you drinking enough water through out the day? My second thought would be TOM. This usually adds about 2-5 pounds for me.... Again with the muscle vs fat? But, that might not be the case. Weight fluctuates so much from day to day. Did you weigh yourself at the same time as you did before? That usually plays a role in weight gain too....
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If the answer is no, I would say right now that is what is causing the gain/plateau. You are doing a LOT of exercise, and you need to fuel your body appropriately.
  • dhutt2011
    dhutt2011 Posts: 77 Member
    It sounds like you may need to eat the calories you burn to help fuel your muscles. Not knowing what your goal weight is, but your body could be going into starvation mode because you aren't eating the calories you burn. There have been many articles out here that talk about this problem and if you are gaining it could be that.

    They say it becomes really critical when you are down to your last 10-20 lbs that you need to eat all the calories you burn plus your daily calories. And not so important when you have more lbs to lose to get to your goal.

    Are you drinking enough water? When working out your muscles will draw in water to help in the recovery of the muscle which can be frustrating too and could make you gain a little.

    Are you measuring in the same spot every time?
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Could be that you stay at or below 1200. Maybe your bare minimum calories is more than 1200. Or it could be that body is still adjusting to the sudden change. Give it a little more time. Try not to worry too much about the numbers on the scale.

    here is something interesting to look at:
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Well if you guys look at her diary she either staying at her 1200 and eating her calories from exercise or going OVER ... I noticed that several days you went over your calorie intake including your exercise calories.. Also the recommendation for carbs on this site it too high and your either meeting or going over on them as well - I would suggest cutting back on some of the carbs you are eating and replacing with protein.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Well if you guys look at her diary she either staying at her 1200 and eating her calories from exercise or going OVER ... I noticed that several days you went over your calorie intake including your exercise calories.. Also the recommendation for carbs on this site it too high and your either meeting or going over on them as well - I would suggest cutting back on some of the carbs you are eating and replacing with protein.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
  • keepitoff99
    Well, knowing that you are eating your exercise calories is good. That makes such a difference.
    Keep at it - you are going in the right direction!!
  • charlottebella
    Thank you, I should have said my net intake is around 1200, I usually eat the extra calories that I'm allowed through exercise. I have noticed I sometimes double my sugar intake but this is through things like fruit and natural yoghurts. Do you think that could be making the impact as well?
  • ehalfmann
    ehalfmann Posts: 1 Member
    I am having the same issues and I am 156, and 5'8, so I completely feel your pain. I have become somewhat discouraged but know eventually I will see results. I did find out I have Hypothyroidism, and no thyroid at all, and take medicine to supplement. I normally am about 200 calories under but sometimes go a little over. If you find a solution, please let me know! Good Luck!
  • charlottebella
    I am having the same issues and I am 156, and 5'8, so I completely feel your pain. I have become somewhat discouraged but know eventually I will see results. I did find out I have Hypothyroidism, and no thyroid at all, and take medicine to supplement. I normally am about 200 calories under but sometimes go a little over. If you find a solution, please let me know! Good Luck!

    I'm going to try and cut down on my sugar but maybe up my carb intake. The one week I did go over it was only by 46 calories for the week so I definitely would think I should still be losing weight, not putting it on.

    I am starting with a PT on Friday so hopefully he will be able to give me some advice, I will be sure to pass it on to you. xxx
  • charlottebella
    Thanks guys for all your help, I weighed myself again today and I was 146lb so I've dropped 2lb in 2 weeks! Really happy.
  • queen220
    queen220 Posts: 8 Member
    You're probably going to hear this a few times but 1200 calories in not enough to eat if you are exercising that much.
    You need to eat your exercise amount as well as 1200.

    Let me share my experience. I was trying for 1200 cal a day and exercising up to 500 cal a day.
    I was not losing anything for about three weeks/very frustrated.

    So I changed my weight loss goal to 1 lb a week, which put my cal a day up to 1440 plus my exercise so I am averaging about 1900 calories a day total. This allows me to eat well and not worry to much as I have lots of room for snacks in the evening or during the day.

    So, how is this working for me? I lost 5.5 lbs last week! Just one week of it and that was the results.

    You have to eat to lose the weight. Eat right and exercise. People will say it over and over on this site that you cannot lose weight if you are not supporting your body with the right amount of calories. You work out a lot so you need to eat more. Seems wrong even writing it but I'm sure many will agree.

    Good luck :flowerforyou: