Eat ALL your daily calories??

LiveLife73 Posts: 73
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
for some reason since i started eating a lil better i cant seem to get no where near my daily calorie intake.. i try not to eat pass 10 pm... if your daily calorie is 2000 or higher could u please give me a hand.. compare our meals and also feel free to add me... thanks.


  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    I don't eat all of them because I honestly think the range MFP gave me is too high. I know I can change my calorie goal, but I kinda like it being high because I don't feel as guilty if I happen to overdo it every once in a while...
  • You could add in some peanut butter or almonds. They are high in calories but still healthy.
  • My calorie intake isnt as high, but I noticed that I wasnt eating close to my intake. As a matter a fact, I was looking at eating less than 400 calories than what MFP says. I double checked other sites for my height, weight, activity etc. And MFP is pretty close to right on the money at where I should be so I dont go to starvation mode. I started spacing out my meals through out the day. I teach, so it was easier for me to do smaller meals in between classes and I dont get as hungry when I am reaching home after the sun goes down. Try smaller frequent meals....plan a day or two out and see how you do. Staying 100 or so calories under from the recommended is good and if you hit a plateau then you can decrease your intake by a couple hundred calories or increase your workout time to break the plateau. Good luck!
  • Thanks i'll give it a try..
  • RatBoyGL
    RatBoyGL Posts: 100
    I have the same problem.

    I just started using this site today, and here are my meals:

    Breakfast: 1.5 cups of coffee with powdered creamer and sugar, plus, one pack of Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal. (292 Calories)

    Lunch: Bowl of Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo (370 Calories)

    Dinner: 2 Slices of French Toast with Sugar Free Syrup, 1 Scrambled Egg with light Cheddar (599 Calories)

    Snack: Lite Potato Chips (230 Calories)

    Total: 1491

    Still to go: 966

    This is with 1 hour of Ski Machine workout factored in.

    I am not even remotely hungry, yet, I am supposed to eat 966 more calories today?

    Even if I added in healthy snacks such as fruits and veggies, there is no way I could hit that today.

    What am I doing wrong?
  • depending on where your protein level is at by dinner time.. add some meat with your dinner..
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I don't get anywhere near mine either, but I think mine is way too high. I just focus on eating those 6 small meals and drinking enough water. even on a bad eating day I couldn't eat that much food.
  • RatBoyGL
    RatBoyGL Posts: 100
    Well, I think I kind of get the math now after some research.

    This site says my BMR (The calories my body would burn in a day with zero excercise) is 1989.

    My Calorie Goal is 1490.

    That would leave 499 calories that my body needs, and since it isn't getting them, it burns fat.

    My food today is exactly 1490. (Not by design, total luck.)

    However, since I burned 467 calories in the gym, the site is telling me I can still eat that many calories today and be within my limit.

    Quite fascinating really.

    My next goal is to possibly separate out the meals a bit more instead of doing the traditional 3.
  • hi there. I know you're not reaching your calorie goal, but I just looked at your diary and it's really excellent, you have such a great combination of all the different food groups. It's not like you're near starvation mode or anything, I think a handful of almonds and you'd be fine, but I wouldn't worry so much, I think you're actually doing really great!!!! I wish I was eating as well as you!!! well done.
  • its funny because when i first started i was thinking to myself that know way can i only eat 1990 calories per day and not feel hungry but after a few days i cant even get to 1990 if i wanted to without feeling to full and just shows you that you can train your body to do what you want it to do,....i really is mind over matter...good luck everyone on there goals!!!
  • I looked at your diary and you look like you are doing GREAT! I can make one suggestion. Try not to eat foods as high in fat. The high fat foods are more likely to cause weight gain than low fat foods, even with a calorie deficit. This has happened to me before. Other than that, you look like you are doing great.
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    Im new to this site and I am really confused on ideas to get my calories in, however when you do the exercise it gives you calories to use are you suppose to use them, to me it doesnt make sense to eat the calories you just burned, would someone be willing to look at my food diary and let me know of any changes I could make. All the support the better, and best of luck to everyone on this wonderful weight loss journey :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member

    MFP gives you a daily goal based on a specific daily calorie deficit. It's either 1000 calories a day less than TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, which is BMR X activity level) for a 2 pound a week loss, 500 calories a day for a 1 pound a week loss and 250 calories a day for a 1/2 pound a week loss. Too much of a deficit and your body conserves it's fat stores, making weight loss slower and if you are really eating too little for too long, causing many other issues with your health.

    When you exercise, you increase your deficit, which is not how the MFP system works, it wants you to maintain your deficit exactly. So the calories you burned get added back to your goals. Plus, when you exercise, you need to fuel your body for all that extra effort, so give it food :flowerforyou:
  • @ tsierraskooter .....thanks... i really need to do that..
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    It looks like you're doing really well, actually. Especially looks like you're cooking some good meals at home which is nice. Good variety.

    I wouldn't be 100% concerned with hitting 2,900 or whatever every day. If you're stuffed, you're stuffed.
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