Exercising every day?



  • ukheather
    ukheather Posts: 66 Member
    I worked out 4 times a week while I was losing weight and now 3 times a week to maintain
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    The difference in responses often reflect the role that "exercising" actually has in people's lives.

    For some people it's nothing but a chore that is merely a "means to an end"... i.e. something they feel they "have" to do to lose weight.

    For other people it's part of their normal lifestyle and possibly also a big part of their social life if you're in a team etc.

    When I read stuff like "no one should do cardio every day" - I am sorry but that's an unsubstantiated load of rubbish!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    When I read stuff like "no one should do cardio every day" - I am sorry but that's an unsubstantiated load of rubbish!

    Yes, that surprised me. Aren't all the runners of the world "doing cardio" pretty much every day?

    I do cardio stuff on my Wii Fit every day. I need to switch out a couple of days for strength exercises, but good glory do I hate strength training, so I haven't made the leap yet. I will, I just hate it.

    My Wii Fit Plus gives me calorie counts for every exercise I do on it, and they appear to be pretty conservative, but they work. And the thing about the Wii Fit is that I have stuck to it, unlike any other form of exercise I have ever tried. I now have an exercise routine, and I have NEVER had that before two years ago.

    My personal theory is: the thing that will work is the thing that you will actually DO.
  • neebelung
    neebelung Posts: 115
    The difference in responses often reflect the role that "exercising" actually has in people's lives.

    For some people it's nothing but a chore that is merely a "means to an end"... i.e. something they feel they "have" to do to lose weight.

    For other people it's part of their normal lifestyle and possibly also a big part of their social life if you're in a team etc.

    When I read stuff like "no one should do cardio every day" - I am sorry but that's an unsubstantiated load of rubbish!

    Excellent point! And hopefully for many of (us), exercising as a means to an end BECOMES a normal part of our lifestyles. :)
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I exercise 5 times a week. I would love to do more but I listen to my body and thats the maximum I can do.

    On my rest days I do get at least a 30 minute walk in. While its not a huge calorie burner I believe its important to stay active.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member

    This article really got my interest. Because I don't drive I have always walked everywhere. It was more than the so called recommended 30 minutes 5 times a week but I still became overweight and my health suffered. Looking back I know I was not moving anywhere near enough or often enough. In my head I was doing well because I walked everywhere. In reality no way.

    Walking really became a benefit when I started going for longer walks (1.5 to 2 hours a session) and choosing steps and hills.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I think long walks are great exercise!! :drinker:

    I think you'll get a lot more out of a good hour walk than some half-hearted faffing on an elliptical...
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    I am sure none of here are professional runners. Professional athletes work hard every day, we are all here to support each other and give advice to those who want to lose weight.

    I gave the advice that I have read, so there really isn't any need to refer to my advice as "Rubbish" Everyone has their own opinion on everything, the least some could do is be polite!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am sure none of here are professional runners. Professional athletes work hard every day, we are all here to support each other and give advice to those who want to lose weight.

    I gave the advice that I have read, so there really isn't any need to refer to my advice as "Rubbish" Everyone has their own opinion on everything, the least some could do is be polite!

    I am sorry you were offended when I said your statement was "rubbish", but it was factually incorrect and there is absolutely no evidence to support what you said.

    Now you say you read it somewhere and just repeated what you had read somewhere. Well, the problem with public forums is that some people will read what people post as if it is fact. I realise it's the reader's own responsibility to ascertain for themselves whether something is accurate or not, but as posters we also have a responsibility (it being a weightloss forum), not to be spreading inaccurate information about issues of relevance, whether that's nutrition, exercise or whatever.

    Perhaps next time you just read something somewhere but have no idea of its accuracy, it might be worth adding that disclaimer, rather than stating something as if it were fact. After all there is a difference between fact and opinion.
  • vjles
    vjles Posts: 91 Member
    Exercising 3 times per week for 30-45 minutes is often recommended for everyone, not just for weight watchers.

    I've been a runner for 20 years, at my peak I ran 55-60 miles per week, but, always had a day off every 7-10 days. Also, recovery runs were built in to my training where a day of jogging slowly was used to burn off the lactic acid in the legs and gave the body/muscles time to recover. Usually a day off before a race meant I ran much faster in the race.

    My busiest year was in 1994 when I trained and raced 1,550 miles!!! Phew!!!

    Glad I kept my training logs, great to look back for motivation.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    I dont really follow a trainging schedule at all any more.
    I'll train most days, and if i dont feel up to it, due to some soreness, or a slower recovery or something, then i'll rest another 24 hours, then see how i feel.

    I like to do something every morning as it motivates me to get everything esle done during my day...like work/cleaning the house/ whatev's.

    I'll traing for strength 2-3 days a week on average i guess. Just depends. I found when i tried to follow some prescribed program, that I never did...So now i literally wing it every day...and log absolutely all training sessions.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    EA Sports Active 2 - which I'm doing, and they consult experts to make this exergame has you doing exercise Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

    You have Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday off.

    In the exergame you can change it up but this is the recommended schedule and I love it, and it does work.

    And we've been walking to the store & back on those "off" days. It's 1.4 miles there & back.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    yeah look, basically, if you feel your not exercising enough (who knows! you might be doing plenty!), just make you session more intense.

    If you post up what you do each week, i'm sure we can help you out for sure!