Multitasking- ideas?

So I'm looking for some kind of exercise I can do while my daughter is in dance class for 45 min. Unfortunately, the school is very tiny and there are no extra rooms available. Usually I wait in the lobby but I'd like to utilize that time. It's also right on the interstate, so going for a run around the neighborhood won't work. There is a small parking lot and a sidewalk just outside of the building (the width of the parking lot). I don't mind looking like an idiot outside but I'd rather not exercise in the middle of the lobby :p

Any ideas?


  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Any chance this school has a gym you can utilize? I know my old school had reasonable circuit machines set up. Maybe if you lack flexibility anywhere, you can use that time to do some extended stretching? Perhaps you could read up on some good fitness books if you don't have anything else to do. Could learn some things you didn't know :)
  • p_emmel5
    p_emmel5 Posts: 39 Member
    You could grab some elastic bands or dumb bells and get a good workout without having to run or walk in little circles in the parking lot. If there is a bench or your car bumper you can get some split squats or push ups in also.
  • ellatwo
    ellatwo Posts: 7 Member
    You might want to search Pinterest for workouts and print some of those off. They have a lot of bodyweight/bootcamp type workouts.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    Oh good idea with the dumbbells/bands- I'll throw some in the trunk so I don't forget! I actually have an extra set or bands so that's perfect.

    It's a very small/new school. Literally a lobby with 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms lol! The bathrooms are big though, so I -guess- I could do jump rope in there :p
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    Circuit training in the parking lot. you can do it by parking lot lines.

    Sprint 3 lines, pushups. run back to start.
    Sprint 3 lines, pushups. 3 more, crunches. back to start
    Sprint 3 lines, pushups. 3 more, crunches. 3 more, burpees. back to start...

    you get the idea. Set up about 5 exercises and you will have a KICK *kitten* workout that will have you crying at the end.