scale help

Hello, I have never been so proud to say I weigh 300 lbs. So far, according
to my scale, I've lost about 10lbs. Big milestone for me. However, currently I am using 3 different scales because my apartment is old as hell and it seems like none of the floors are leveled. Lately, the two that I use at home is a WW digital scale..(cheap not best quality) and the other is one like at the Dr.'s office. The third one that I use is a digital one at my moms house. Depending on the position of the tall scale, I believe I get an accurate number. I have stopped moving it and let it stay in one location and just monitor my weight from the previous day. I actually believe the scale at my mom's house because it's digital and APPEARS to be accurate. I would like for the scales at my house to be accurate but I don't really trust them. Any tips.


  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Use one scale and keep it in it's place. Maybe it might be off by a pound or two on your true weight, however it will measure lost weight the same.
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I would just pick one (your favorite) and stick with it. Don't move it all over the house just keep one scale in one space. Otherwise, you will drive yourself crazy trying to figure out which one and where it should be to believe it. ~Skye :flowerforyou:
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Pick one scale and only use it. If you are getting different weights you can easily get discouraged. At least the one scale you choose will be accurate for you.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Have the same problem in my big rig. Uneven floors. Go to the hardware store and have them cut you a 2x2 foot piece of 1 inch plywood. Ask them to check the scrap bin for some wood that will work. But, make sure it is 1 inch thick.
  • Snapshotgirl
    Snapshotgirl Posts: 57 Member
    my scale varies a bit too and sometimes I get discouraged. You might try using measuring tape instead, particularly if you are exercising. You can lose inches but not weight with exercise. For me, the scale barely budges, but I've gone down one pant size and one belt size, so something is changing.
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    buy a fish scale, hang it from the ceiling. No more worrying about uneven floors.

    All jokes aside, just choose a scale and stick with it. it's all relative anyways. just as long as the numbers are going down over a period of time, who cares what it really says?
  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    I agree pick one scale and use that .... it is very easy to play "scale games" and trick yourself, I would find one scale that you are going to weigh in on, put it in one place and only get on that scale....

    and congrats on your 10lbs that is a great start.