Lost Weight but not size?


I haven't been on MFP for a while. I got frustrated. My eatings not been great, not going to lie. I've been trying to eat balanced meals, but I feel like there is too high a "junk" content for my liking. At the same time, I'm probably not eating enough because I get scared about what I am eaten. I desperately need to sort that out. I am aware, I don't know if this is contributing to my problem, but i'm putting it out there.

I tent to walk for 20-30mins a day and go to a gym once a week.

Since April, I've managed to loose about 4-5kg. I'm really happy about this. However my measurements have not changed. They are still exactly the same? Am I missing something? Is it my diet? I don't want to eat more, should i exercise more (which will be difficult given he nature of my work). I really can't understand why my body measurements are exactly the same???


  • keithmustloseweight
    Not sure if bait
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    What are you measuring? Ive lost 7lbs, but because Im both scale and measuring tape obsessed (I can't lie lol) I measure my neck, chest, upper arm, lower arm, wrist, waist, hips, thighs, and calves.

    You see, way back when, I would get *so* discouraged when trying to lose weight, either cause the scale wasnt moving, or cause my clothes werent fitting any better even if the scale was moving. I just needed a way to see *some* progress to keep going.

    So I measure everything...so far I have lost a bit over half an inch off my upper arm, and a bit over half an inch off my chest. My lower body isnt budging for anything, but thats where all my weight goes, and the last place I put it on / first place I lose weight from is my upper body. So being able to see there is *some* progress going on helps me feel better, cause I know that my upper body is on the move. Even if it is about an inch LoL thats all I need to know Im on track and to keep going.
  • kazgorat
    kazgorat Posts: 6 Member

    Walking for 20-30 minutes a day and going to the gym once a week is probably not enough to make a serious impact on your weight loss and body measurements. Unless you are walking so fast that you are practically jogging, chances are you are not getting your heart rate up high enough to burn a significant amount of calories during that short period of time.

    Not sure what kind of shape you are in, but if jogging is too strenuous at this point, I would highly recommend using the ellipticals at the gym you go to. They will allow you to set a resistance and pace that is challenging yet not overdoing it. You can then adjust the resistance, your speed, etc. as you get in shape to keep it challenging. Ellipticals are also low impact on the knees, back, etc.
    20 minutes is really not enough. I would shoot for 30 minutes of moderate intensity, with a 5 minute low intensity cooldown afterwards.

    I am assuming that you are using weights when you go to the gym. One day a week is not enough to see results. Three days a week is ideal...two days a week should be the absolute minimum. Being an accountant who works long hours during certain times of the year, I understand the issue of not being able to get to the gym on a consistent basis due to work schedules. To solve the issue, I ended up biting the bullet and buying an elliptical from Walmart. They have some Schwinn ellipticals for approx. $300 that are very well built, operate smoothly, and are quiet. If you can swing it, I would highly recommend getting one. Once you have the elliptical, you can work on getting some freeweights and dumbbells.

    With regards to losing weight and still having the same body measurements, a couple of things could be happening. I have always found that the first 10 lbs or so of weight loss tends to be water, as well as a "perceived" loss due to less food content in the stomach due to dieting/eating less. You could also be losing muscle mass. To prevent this, you would want to put more time into weights and other forms of strength training.

    In terms of eating habits, the bottom line is that if you burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight regardless of whether those calories come from McDonalds or a turkey breast sub from Subway. The problem is that you will hit your daily calorie limit much sooner with high calorie foods like Big Macs than you will with, say, a Turkey sub with no cheese and a low calorie dressing. Obviously there are other benefits to eating healthy vs. junk food, i.e. your heart and circular system.

    What is your daily calorie goal you have set for yourself? Too little calories, and your metabolism will slow down to compensate. Too many, and you will likely not lose much with your current exercise regimen. If I am trying to lose weight, I usually shoot for 1500 to 1700 calories a day, but everyone is different, and you will have to find the right range for you.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions. I would highly encourage getting exercise equipment for your home. It cuts down on the drive time to the gym, and you can use it at hours that are convenient to you.

    Good luck!