The H family fitness challenge



  • Burned 550 calories with another 35 minute Curves workout. Another day at Phase II until weigh-in tomorrow.
  • Today was weigh-in day. I've lost 51/2 pounds and 9 pounds of body fat since starting my Curves diet. I burned 540 calories today with my 35 minute workout.
  • good job mom. keep it up. you are a true source of inspiration for us all.
  • after a couple of days of no exercise i was back at it this morning with 20 minutes on the treadmill watching sports highlights. i was very tired last night and had no desire to exercise, but that is exactly the reason why i should have. i intend to get back on the treadmill again tonight for a more intense workout. this family challenge continues to keep me motivated but i have some catching up to do.
  • Another 35 minute Curves workout today. Each workout on the Curves circuit burns between 500 and 600 calories. Today I burned 555 calories.
  • Way to go MOM!!! I'm sure you are looking hotter than ever! We'll have to keep challenging eachother when we see you! I accepted Alek's challenge for the week and cooked Asparagus tonite (never actually made it aside one other time when I bbq'd it), with some butter, salt pepper and parm cheese. YUMMY! I have also bought KALE for the second week in a row and hope to actually use this bunch before they turn Yellow on me again. Any one have suggestions on great ways to Consume these leafy greens aside from in smoothies. Great work everyone!!! I love that we are keeping up with eachother!!
  • did a circuit of push ups, followed immediately by crunches and then a plank to failure. did several ciruits with a few minutes of rest in between. the planks got increasingly more difficult especially when alaina and lukas thought it would be a good idea to sit on my bank. not quite enough core strength to stay stable with both kids on my back.
  • looks like i am the only person consistently posting on this board. oh well, i like to read my comments anyway. i motivate me!
  • Sometimes we need to be motivated by ourselves. Today I'll be doing back to back Zumba/ Curves workouts so mark me down for 2 points today.
  • Hello,

    It's been awhile since I got on here. My new food that I cooked was green lentil stew - I have cooked with green lentiles before but not this particular recipe. We really enjoyed and three cups of lentils made so much food!

    Here is a recipe I really like for kale, put a bit of olive oil in a frying pan or walk, chop up your kale, tossed it in the olive oil add a few drops of water just to prevent it from sticking cover and steam for 10 mins or so, add dried cranberries (or raisins) and a bit of feta cheese toss it around. It tastes yummy and looks great too!

    I have stuck to the exercise one bad week when I was out of town but I still lost 4lbs this month so obviously it didn't set me back too much.

    Hope everyone is getting fit and feeling healthy. I have to say that challenging each other and keeping track is really making us focused here.
  • I enjoy a chicken quesadilla with mild salsa on the side. Use 4oz of leftover chicken breast or grill fresh chicken. Saute chopped onion, tomato,& mushrooms. Place chicken ,sauted veggies and 1/2 cup of low fat shredded cheddar cheese on one half of an 8" whole wheat tortilla, fold in half. Place tortilla in frying pan sprayed with cooking spray, cook until toasty, flip over to toast other side and to melt the cheese. Very tasty, with a good source of protein.
  • Mark me down for 1 point today. i did a 35 minute workout at Curves and burned 565 calories.:flowerforyou:
  • today I burned 615 calories with my curves workout. At my weigh-in today I lost 1 more pound but gained some body fat. I'm going on the Phase III Curves diet for 2 weeks to jump start my metabolism. I'm also to burn 300 calories a day, some i need to purchase a calorie counter.
  • good job mom keep it up! 615 calories?? that is amazing.
  • Today I only burned 515 calories with my Curves workout. This is my first full day on Phase III diet and I'm to consume 2000 calories a day. I'm feeling full already.
  • mom, only 515 calories??
  • got back at er after what seemed like days off - oh yeah, it was days off - 4 to be exact. first high impact exercise since sunday morning. tough to get at it on those days when i work until 10:30, unless i am doing something first thing in the morning. burned 340 calories and did over 2 miles on the treadmill tonight.
  • since the exercise "lay off" of a three to four days i have been finding myself extremely energetic on the treadmill and my endurance has improved. i was on the treadmill twice today and tonight i ran for 18 minutes straight and still had enough energy for more.
  • I don't know if you got my results from Friday and Saturday. I did 2 separate workouts of Yoga and treadmill on both days. So you can mark me down for 2 points both days. Today { Monday} I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and burned 100 calories.
  • good job mom. i was wondering if you were going to be in a position to maintain your "pace" while in okotoks. way to stick with it.
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