Need help getting started again.

I lost almost a stone over the summer but let things slide on holiday and have put it back on. I need to refocus but I'm really struggling to quit eating junk and commit to this again. I don't know if part of me actually really wants to do it, I'm so reliant on eating the wrong things. Any suggestions on how to focus and get off the crap foods would be welcome.


  • Keholde
    Keholde Posts: 12 Member
    I am right there with ya!
    I'm struggling and could use some support as well.
    What are the reasons you want to lose the weight you have put on?

    Here's my reasons and I'm hoping by saying them will help motivate me as well...
    -I feel like my stomach has gotten bigger and I dont like it
    -I'm single and i want to feel confident with myself before dating agin
    -I want my running speed to increase
    -I want to feel good again about my body!
  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    Its a process. I had amazing success last year, but this year i stopped doing what was working for me (logging food and exercising ) and have gained a lot back. Its hard to rewire our brains and bodies to stop craving comfort foods, especially when stressed. Plus i personally feel there is something addicting about junk food... i will be fine until i have a bite and then i cant stop! Hang in there and know that we go through it too. The best thing is to continue to move forward!
  • Thanks. It is addictive and I am quite stressed at the moment. Just have to stay focused.