Really could use a support team

Hi everyone,
I've used mfp on and off..

Here's a summary of my story...

I love working out and work out around 4-5 days a week but I also love eating and sometimes find myself with no self control, especially after work when I get back to my apartment.

-November 2012: i just wasn't happy with my weight and my body image was down the drain. I was 157 (i'm 5'7)
-Around April 2013: Got down to 142 and was very happy and feeling great!
-Towards the end of the summer (2013) I sustained a calf injury and my high intense workouts started to subside but my eating habits were still the same.
-Feb 2014- A 2.5yr relationship ended and I called the wedding off.
-May 2014- Moved to a different state to start a new job
-Currently I am right around 156 and when I moved just back in May I was 146.

I don't know what's happening with me. Well, I guess I do. I'm working out less than what I have ever done and I'm also eating out way to much and consuming a few too many beers.

The bad and the good thing..I'm enjoying going out with people and just having fun. I recently started to trying to make smarter food choices when out and I'm proud of that.

My new job has a "chocolate" drawer with mini candies and I just can't seem to say NO to it. I literally probably have like 5 mini candies a day.

And then when I get home I just seem to eat. I'll make some dinner which is usually pretty healthy but then I'll make some popcorn and make it not so healthy and then I'll always just want to eat more.

This is my first time ever living by myself and i just don't have the support that I want/need. Which is why I've decided to post on here in hopes to find some people that truly will be there for me and I will be there for you as well.

I'm a 26 year old female and I know I'm not fat which is why this is hard. I can still run (I just did 7 miles the other day and felt great) but..I'm just not happy with my body. My fat just goes to my love handles and I'm not a huge fan of it.

Sorry for whining and not just 'saying no' to food but I really could use some help.

Anyone up for setting up some sort of challenge and/or just being support buddies?


  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    You can add me. My story is different, but i can relate to some of what you are going through. Its tough, but you will pull through and be awesome. I know it.
  • tumbleweed08
    I would love to be your buddy!
    I relate to you quite a bit... I'm 23 and since starting my full time job a year ago I have gained 15 pounds that I cannot seem to shake-- mainly because of my lifestyle (social, food-loving, hard-worker... which means I'm too tired to hit the gym after a long day). I do feel that alot of it, too, is exacerbated by emotional stresses-- two years ago my boyfriend moved across the country and we started a long-distance relationship which has undoubtedly taken it's toll on my habits and body/body image.
    I'm new to MFP and definitely need some pals-- let me know!
  • sheshbish
    sheshbish Posts: 2 Member
    Right there with you on the "first time living alone" and occasionally making really bad food choices (generally post-dinner!) I was thinking about it yesterday and for me, it's a form of self-sabotage: like, I make conscious and good choices all day, and then maybe I feel like I "don't deserve" weight loss, or just am so distrustful that it can actually occur, that all of a sudden I'm making terrible life choices haha. Please feel free to friend me, definitely think a support system would be great. But I wanted to say: " I recently started to trying to make smarter food choices when out and I'm proud of that." That's awesome! I always remind myself that ANY change for the better has a consequence for the better on the body--bc it was small changes for the worse that had negative consequences, right? So good on you, and rooting for all of us :)
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Happy to lend support. Add me.