Join NOW - EA Active More Workouts Challenge - Starting Jan

Good Evening:

I want to invite anyone that is interested in a 6 week challenge to come aboard to the Getting Me Back Challenge Team and LET'S DO THIS! This challenge will be using EA Active More Workouts to help us achieve the goals we each have in mind individually. The challenge will start Monday, January 31, 2011. I look forward to everyone who wants to be a part of this journey as we encourage and support one another to reach our goals. I know there are many challenges going on but if you second guessed yourself and backed out , just finished one or whatever the situation that has you needing a boost to push you a little further this is the challenge for YOU. More details about weigh-in's and the challenge will be posted by January 30th. So please Reply "COUNT ME IN" so I can start preparing a roster.

Please message me if you have any questions.

Looking forward to seeing our lives change One Step At a Time.


  • marty1030
    Count me in!
  • vbaby
    vbaby Posts: 13 Member
    count me in:smile:
  • Crystal_204
    count me in!
  • NlKKA
    NlKKA Posts: 185 Member
    Awesome! I'm glad to have you all on the team!!! If you've never played the EA Active More Workouts (Wii) then you are definitely in for a treat. I have so much in store for this team that I'm jumping with glee. I'll keep everyone posted.

    Check out the Motivation of the Day if you haven't already - you can go to my profile or find it in the topics under Motivation and Support.
  • kris628
    kris628 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't have the EA active but is it anything i can do with Your shape on the xbox with kinect? I received it for Christmas and it is a total body moving work out video game?? I need the extra boost however me and the wii never saw eye to eye so we got rid of it and got the Kinect for the xbox so i dont need any thing to hold on to i can just play with out a controller!

    Let me know would love to join!

    and thanks for the motivation today i loved it

    keep up the great work !