slipped up today for first time and now debating quitting.



  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Quitters never win
    Winners never quit
    Don't be a quitter, be a winner.
    Just because you fall off the horse doesn't mean you discontinue riding, you IMMEDIATELY get back on it. Don't wait until the next day to "start fresh."
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    I've screwed up entire weekends before and I'm still here
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member

    (What Would Chumbuwumba Do?)
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    This is life. Are you planning on giving up foods like noodles, pastas, treats, etc, for the rest of your life? You need to incorporate such foods into your eating plan, or you'll never be able to sustain this for life. Have noodles for one meal, and for the next have a salad or something else lower in calories.

    It's not the end of the world. Eat it, track it, and move on.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Everyone screws up all the time -- just get back on track! Fall 7 times, get up 8! You got this :)
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    Don't turn a bad day into a bad week....

    I screw up at least once a week and I have still lost over 50% of my body weight in 22 months.... put it down to experience and move on - maybe cut back later in the day and save some calories that way, or go for a walk or do some other form of exercise.

  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I almost have a hard time believing this post is real. Perspective for you: Going over your MFP calories won't make you gain weight. You're probably still under maintenance. So you're still losing - you'll just lose 0.085lb less than you would have without the cup o noodles.
  • StephJC81
    StephJC81 Posts: 33 Member
    The only advice I have is to remove the word diet out of your vocabulary. If you want to achieve your goals it will have to be a lifestyle change. Until you change your perception on your healthy lifestyle and daily habits, you will remain the same. You had a bad meal, so what, tomorrow is another day. :)
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    If you think any of us had perfect streaks all the way through, you are mistaken.

    Also, eating a cup of noodles isn't going to screw you over. I've had days where I drank and ate over the limit.
  • emmacken
    emmacken Posts: 161 Member
    Please don't quit! I like to remember that my calorie goals are set to a deficit; if I do happen to go over them once in a while it doesn't necessarily mean that I've over eaten. I consider it a day at maintenance and I move on. There is a wonderful thread here on the forums where users celebrate their fitness goals one day at a time. Take a deep breath, acknowledge that what's done is done, and immediately get back in control. Keep checking in here with us. We're rooting for you!
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Are you better off than you were on Day 1 in June? Are you weaker or stronger now? If you could move forward then, why not now? I second all of the other posts saying not to let this derail you.

    I also second all of the posts that say to ease up a little bit and see if more calories might do you better, by making things easier and even making you lose weight more smoothly.
  • serendipity57
    serendipity57 Posts: 153 Member
    I also slipped up today, it's my husbands birthday although you would have thought it was mine! Don't quit tommorrow is another day
  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    DO not QUIT. We all have those Days!

    My progress you can see drop up .. but drops again. your just starting out it takes time.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    If you are seriously considering quitting over eating a cup of noodles maybe you aren't 100% ready mentally to continue with your "diet" Like another poster said a diet ends a lifestyle change does not.

    You can still have the foods you like just fit them in, and to me slipping up is intentionally eating high calorie stuff, finding out after the fact is not a slip up. I mean gosh I had gotten a small shake once had it, (was delicious) the next day while looking up the calories to log it found that it was 900 calories!! For one small shake!! I almost died when I read that....did I quit? Nope cause I am still here chugging along. It happens, that's life pick yourself up by the bootstraps and carry on.
  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    So.....if you got a flat tire would you slash the other 3 tires too?

    Fix it and move on. It was one meal. Get over it. One meal won't undo all the hard work you've put in up to this point, but the option to quit sure will.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    It says you just joined MFP in September. I would suggest you may need to adjust your calories if they are too low. Then give it a try before quitting. I think a lot who join and try eating low for a quick weight loss (1200 calories) instead of a more reasonable amount have a harder time. I personally have upped my calories when MFP adjusted them to low for me (1420) and am still losing.
    Don't think of it as a diet. Instead think of it as trying to have a healthier lifestyle.
    Another tip that may be helpful try pre-logging your meals until you become more comfortable with the changes. I often pre-log my meals so I can go back and tweak things and allow for an evening snack.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    One undesirable meal is NO reason to quit. Heck, I'd quit every week, if I had your reasoning, and not be down 103lbs. The time will pass whether you continue or not. You just decide whether you will be healthier as time passes or not.

    Besides weight loss and improved health, sticking to this will build inner strength and character. Both are very attractive and desirable traits.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I feel where you are coming from... I am a 0% or 100% with nothing inbetween type of person myself, and it is just that type of thinking that made me give up, only to start over again a long time later after Ive gained even more weight.

    Like everyone is encouraging you to do, I suggest not giving up and just keep going. Had I not kept giving up just because I had one 0% day, I would have been where I wanted to be a long time ago. A cup of noodles is not the thing that will do you in, giving up is!!

    So I hope that you give yourself a break and keep moving forward. That is something Im working on myself here, not just with food but with different aspects of my life. It's finally dawning on me that if Im determined to do everything perfect, Im just setting myself up for failure. But if instead I accept I will slip up sometimes and thats totally ok, because there will always be an opportunity to do better, then I am allowing myself a chance to succeed.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I absolutely 100% cannot understand this mentality.

    I'm deeply sorry but I cannot.

    Because you know what that's EXACTLY like doing? Here' I'll give you a little story

    You've gotten a new car. You've been vehicle less for years- public transit- walking- blisters- sore shoulders from carrying to many things. But now- NOW- you've got a shiny new car!!! YAY!!!!! It's a big responsiblity but you're ready to take it on.

    And one rainy day- you're driving to work and you get a flat tire. Day is not so good.
    You sit in the middle of the road- hands on the steering wheel- eyes welling with tears you look up to the universe and scream

    "I QUIT"

    You throw open your car door- take the pocket knife out of your purse and you promptly slash the other 3 tires.

    So now you're standing in the busy road- with 4 flat tires- in the rain.

    Good job you.

    Guess what- now you're back to where you started- grumpy with no car. Do you feel better now that you've rage quit in dispare? I suspect not

    Seriously- that's what you're saying- I had one mess up- and I quit. Read that- and then realize how utterly stupid it sounds.

    EVERYONE has bad days- EVERYONE has slip ups. I ate almost NOTHING all day yesterday- knowing we were going to have a lovely dinner which was lovely- but not particularly large- but exceptionally savory- with 2 glasses of wine- and was over by almost 700 calories. And that's not including the oils to sautee the veggies and meats.... I suspect it was closer to 8-900 calories.

    Tough titties to you and me.

    Back on the horse today- back in the gym- and back to the grind.

    Success does not come from doing it when you feel good- or when you want to- success comes from getting back up and doing it again and again.

    So change your stupid car tire and get back on the road. You can do it- I promise.
  • jporter1183
    jporter1183 Posts: 43 Member
    I know I am about to echo all of the previous posters, but reading your post I just had to reply.

    I agree with the other posters who said that you need to remove the word "diet" from your vocabulary. If I thought of this process as a diet, and have in the past, I would fail and so I did.

    For me, losing weight is never going to be living off of salads/vegetables (I can count on my hand how many I like!) and never making a mistake. I just try to eat as healthy as I can 80% of my day, and the other 20% can be something I look forward to. For example, I am a huge chocoholic, and make sure to factor that into my calories daily. Same for wine! I factor in a glass or 2 (or maybe 3! haha) into my calories atleast twice a week. Eating out? Doing that tonight! But I made sure to guesstimate those calories into my goal for today and worked out a little harder on the spin bike yesterday in preparation. And after all of these possible "slip ups" guess what? I'm still losing weight! I do notice that if I eat out for dinner that my weight might temporarily increase for a day or so, but I know it will come right back off.

    So in summary, a cup of noodles won't ruin anything for you! Please do not beat yourself up over it. You will not be perfect during this process and when you are able to accept that it will be so much easier for you and you will be successful. Life happens! Don't worry!!

    Also, I find that prelogging my food for the day has really helped me keep within my limits. Perhaps consider trying that out?