Gaining Weight with 30 Day Shred?!?

I am on day 9 of the 30 Day Shred. I am doing 20 min on my elliptical and the 25min or whatever it takes to do Level 1 of the 30 day shred. I have consistently been right around my calorie goal and have been drinking tons of water. Has anyone else gained while doing the Shred and if so, how long did it start to take before you started seeing numbers on the scale. I do feel stronger but I cant say I feel any difference other than that. I know it's just a pound but I was hoping to see better results than that after 10 days. I've really stepped up my exercise and am wondering if my time would be better spent on my elliptical for the whole 45 minutes. 45 min is the MAX amount of time I have to devote to working out each day so want to get the most bang for my buck!


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I'm with you--I know I'm developing more muscle but I would like to see better results.
  • bella3011
    how often are you working out? Are you monitoring your sodium intake?
    Also, how hard are you pushing yourself on the elliptical?
    I am doing almost identically the same workout, and if it makes you feel any better, i retained a massive amount of water the first week, actually gaining 3 pounds... then, bam- lost that plus 5! Maybe the same thing with you?Don't give up! Very annoying though, I know.
  • luvslife2
    I'm not familiar with the 30 day Shred. I can share what happened with me though, if it helps. When I started really focussing on MFP, my calorie intake was at 1200. I would exercise, 'earn' and extra 500 calories through exercise for example. So I would eat what I earned too. But I wasn't losing and some weeks seemed to yoyo up and down a pound or so. Very frustrating. Now, I try to limit my intake to 1400 - 1500 cal when I have 'earned' exercise calories. I've now lost 15lbs. Its a steady lose at 1-2 per week. Hope my sharing helps you. :smile:
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    Totally normal at first. It took me 3 weeks of HARD WORK (eating right every day and working out for at least 45 mins a day, 5 days a week) until I saw any weight loss on the scale. In fact, I gained 3 lbs in the process as I regained muscle mass. But now I've finally lost not only the 3 lbs I gained, but another 2 lbs on top of that!

    Here is something that might help in the meantime (I know it was an encouragment to me):

    If you're tracking your measurements, this should show you how much body fat you've burned so far.

    Keep up the great work and don't be discouraged!!! :)
  • shannontatana
    shannontatana Posts: 3 Member
    I havent seen many results yet either. Although as you said I feel stronger.... but Jillean I would also like to feel thinner!!!!!!
    I have upped my water intake from almost nothing to around 8 glasses a day - not sure if that if that is having any effect. The other thing I keep forgetting to do is measure myself... maybe the weight is coming off in inches at the moment instead..

    Glad there are others in my boat.
  • Bethy25
    Bethy25 Posts: 73
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I am going to stick with it and see what happens. Also Luvslife2, I think I will take your advice and try not to go over my 1400-1500 calories even if I've earn more than that from exercise. I work out at night so sometimes I feel like I am having to snack to hit my calorie goal and that just seems silly. Expecially at night!