Trying to lose and deal with anxiety

I have severe anxiety, always have and I am on medication to try to help it. Of course my main do to way for dealing with anxiety is eating. I have had a lot of stressers on my life lately and an concerned that I will be on a good path and then it will all come crashing down like it has time and time again. Does anyone else have this same struggle?


  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I've struggled with bad anxiety and bipolar disorder my entire life. It is definitely not an easy way to live. Unfortunately I react horribly to anti-anxiety meds so I've had to deal with it in other ways. Often I've turned to food and alcohol, which is not the way to go and is how I gained 20 pounds. Over the past year I've started going out for walks more and meditating. I haven't mastered being able to turn off all my thoughts, but even just sitting and relaxing and pretending to be at the beach or wherever, it really does help. I have a meditation app on my phone that reminds me to take at least a few minutes out of my day to just chill out. If you're not sensitive to the smell of candles or incense, I recommend using those while listening to some relaxing meditation music. I haven't gotten into yoga yet, but I've heard great things about it helping to ease tension and anxiety. I hope some of this will help you. :flowerforyou:
  • mommyjp2
    Thank you very much for your reply. I also was diagnosed bi-polar in my early 20's. It is usually well managed unless my anxiety gets really bad then it triggers some mild mania. I will definately try what you suggested. Its so hard being at war with your mind and body all the time. Its good to know that Im not alone.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Bipolar with anxiety here too. I haven't been on medications (except a fleeting two months on wellbutrin) in years due to no insurance. It definitely still controls some aspects of my life. I just quit my new job on Tuesday after throwing up (almost on the desk) due to stress. I started binge eating as soon as I got home Tuesday up til today, to the point where I had horrible stomach cramps and the sweats for over 48 hours. =/ Today was my first day really trying to get back on track. It's hard, really it is. I just keep telling myself to focus on the long term goal. Whether I slip up for a day, a week or even a month, gotta get back up on that horse. At least with the diet/fitness part. The job will come eventually... >_<
  • mommyjp2
    :( I hope you get to feeling better! Mental Illness is a horrible thing to live with, especially if you need medication and cannot get it. You look like you've had amazing progress!!! I'm so proud of you! Like you said, another job will come, that apparently wasn't the right one for you :) You can do this!!
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    I have dealt with anxiety and depression for most of my life. I don't really remember not having it. Focusing on tracking is actually really helpful for my anxiety and exercising regularly also helps tremendously. My worst enemy is depression. Once I lose every bit of motivation to do anything, it kinda ruins the things I use to have less anxiety.
  • Jenerferzzz
    Jenerferzzz Posts: 148 Member
    I know this topic is old but I thought I would pipe in since it hits really close to him and no one that I know seems to understand. I have had anxiety my entire life. It really makes social interactions a huge challange, it is one of my big triggers. I try to challenge myself to get through andsometimes helps but I can I dwell on things when I feel i screwed up.

    Shutting my brain off when I need to is a something I haven't really ever been able to do. It just goes over every situation trying to ficure out what I could have done better. Even if it is something little that has no future effect on me.

    @kamehamehaa I recently I got a big promotion with my job and I am having to step down because of it, it's awful that you had to experience something similar but it helps me knowing that I am not the only one to have this issue with a new job. This job forces me to carry a company phone around with me and answering if 24/7 if someone doesn't make it to one of our 24/7 post I have to find coverage or go in and cover it myself. I started worrying about the phone going off even when it didn't. My anxiety started to get out of control. I would stay up all night because my brain wouldn't shut off thingking about all the crazy things I had to deal with at work. Every time the phone would ring in the middle of the night I would have to fight off panic attacks. After a week of not sleeping I went to the doctors, which is another trigger for me. Thedoctor made me feel like I was faking or something. I have finally put in my notice for this job because getting on meds to get through the days, weeks and months is not an option for me. It terrirys me. I was put on paxil once, and thank god I forgot to take it for a few days because I am quite sure I would have ended up hurting myself on it. That stuff made me not me and not care, suicidal really. Right now I am just trying to get through the next few weeks while I still have to be at this job. I keep going from trying to eat to feel better or being so anxious I have no appitite. I sometimes overthink things so much I can't stop from crying.

    Just reading about other instances makes me feel a little less alone. I hate that you have to deal with this stuff like I do but it is nice to talk about it to people that might get it. I have hard time talking about it with people that don't understand because it makes me feel so week and helpless when they look at me and essentially say deal with it.

    Thank you for sharing with us and I hope that things get better for all of us. Let me know if you ever need to talk.