Sweet tooth

sophieisabel Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm constantly over my daily sugar goal, most days doubling it, and find it really difficult resist an afternoon chocolate bar (or two or three). Anyone have any suggestions as too a healthier option that will satisfy my sweet tooth without the calories??


  • I have been getting the Smart Ones sundae desserts or strawberry shortcake in frozen section at store and they are YUMMY and only 170 calories too! Or Kudos has some 100 calorie bars that have mini m&m's on them or snickers flavored. They are by granola bars at store. I have a ferocious sweet tooth also so that is my biggest challenge so far! Good luck!!
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Weight Watchers has a great chocolate cake with chocolate syrup inside and 1 cake is only 85 calories ... love them as a snack
  • I do sugar free jello with fruit or eggo waffle toasted with fresh fruit
  • I have a huge sweet tooth also! I have been drinking a hot chocolate fat free with milk at night or sprinkling it in my coffee. Also the Meringue Cookies are low fat and calories. A fat free pudding is a good thing. I have lost 19 lbs in about 11 weeks.
  • Quaker has these chocolate chewy granola bars I just discovered. Choc swirl and choc mint. 90 cal and filling. Did the trick for me last night. Also not sure what chocolate bars are you weakness but try buying Fun size
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I also like sweets, i have found things that wont hurt my calorie intake. 60 calories chocolate pudding, with a tbs of fat free cool whip, fiber one bars ( these are sooo good) pillsbury has those cinnamon rolls for just 145 calories with icing, 100 calories snacks, fruits with a couple of chocolate chips in it, wow I can keep going and going hope i helped
  • radicalreader
    radicalreader Posts: 207 Member
    Diet cocoa made super-hot so I have to sip it rather than gulp it.
    Satisfies the craving for something sweet and chocolately and takes way longer to finish than a candy bar. I can stretch a cup of cocoa out for 10 - 15 minutes vs. less than a minute to scarf down a candy bar.
  • I am a sugar addict as well, but instead of chocolate I love the candys made from Corn Syrup that are horable! I eat a lot of fruits that are sweet and when the craving is really strong go for some of the "diet" products like the Smart ones or Skinny Cow deserts/ice creams for a fix. But I have been known to also eat a small item like a mini chocolate bar to help curve cravings. The key is when you indulge in the craving keep the portion small to get you fix but not kill your diet.
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