Protein Intake

How much protein is too much for females? I'm just looking to tone up but not get the competitors type of body... at least not in this point of my life just yet. Is there another way to stay full? Veggies only keep me full for an hr and then I'm hungry again. Protein shakes and bars keep me full for hours which is great but not sure if they're preventing my weight from going down??? Any positive advice is welcome. Thanks MFP :)


  • norcalskater
    norcalskater Posts: 194 Member
    You should stay in the 50-70 range with protein. Just monitor you're calorie intake and you will lose weight regardless of eating protein bars and shakes. Carbs will make you full. Some people try to avoid them all together to lose weight but you really don't have to do that. Just keep the carbs within a certain range. Simple oatmeal seems to keep me full for a while. Beans, rice. Pretty much every carb (though some are better for you than others) will make you feel full.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    1g per pound of body weight is more than enough. You'll know when you've gone too far on protein (especially the protein shakes) as you'll get 'gassey'.
  • You should stay in the 50-70 range with protein. Just monitor you're calorie intake and you will lose weight regardless of eating protein bars and shakes. Carbs will make you full. Some people try to avoid them all together to lose weight but you really don't have to do that. Just keep the carbs within a certain range. Simple oatmeal seems to keep me full for a while. Beans, rice. Pretty much every carb (though some are better for you than others) will make you feel full.

    50-70 is that grams/day? I usually eat 1500 cal average a day, lifting days 1800 cal. Oats work but just got bored with them for after a while. (oats, stevia, and cinnamon and a side of fruit) Should probably incorporate more beans and rice. For the beans do you make them in your own recipes or do you buy preseasoned in cans?
  • 1g per pound of body weight is more than enough. You'll know when you've gone too far on protein (especially the protein shakes) as you'll get 'gassey'.

    No gas issues so far, but i also don't consume 155 grams of protein :) thanks
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    It's typically recommended about 1g per pound of lean body mass in protein for both males and females who are active.

    Don't worry, protein won't make you bulk up. Women don't have the testosterone to do so anyway and it doesn't happen by accident(like years and years of bulking and cutting cycles with a good weightlifting routine).Protein is necessary to retain lean mass and good for muscle repair/recovery. Lean mass is what helps you look leaner.