How many of you take showers at the gym

And is it weird taking a shower near other people?


  • bballgirlsl981
    I do, it's no big deal since the stalls are separate and private.
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    I do! & no it's not weird, it's just a shower. (:
  • Lumpy52403
    Lumpy52403 Posts: 187 Member
    Almost every time, and it seems completely normal to me.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I do but I HATE it. The showers at my gym never have the right water pressure and there are always giant lumps of hair on the floor. Ick.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I don't, because I get in and get out and I usually walk home (about a mile) to "cool down". I don't go in the mornings so it's not anything I have to necessarily worry about - the only one I'm around is my husband and he's usually worse than I am. :laugh:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Oh FFS
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Yes, there are private shower stalls, very nice soap/shampoo/conditioner, and are really clean. We have a 20 minute drive home, so it's nice to have a warm shower and put on clean clothes before we leave.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I don't. Hell no. I will go home and shower or to the barn and shower (and yes, sometimes I work out, and shower, then ride my horse, and shower again. I like showers.).
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    If I am in a hurry and need to go somewhere after then I will, otherwise, it is more comfortable for me to shower at home.
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    David Tennant had some guy ask for his autograph in his gym's shower. I laughed so hard at his description of the incident. Not that anyone would ever want my autograph, but I always chose to head home to my own shower. And the showers at my gym were rather swank. Just personal preference.
  • Amestris
    Amestris Posts: 152 Member
    Oh FFS


    And to answer the OP yes I have. It's not that big of a deal most people are focused on getting in and out.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I do and no, it's not weird. Not even slightly. It's just like being back in the dorms at college.
  • Burry_Falls
    Burry_Falls Posts: 3 Member
    gym showers should be unisex, this would alleviate the sexual tension that we all feel, imagine soaping up my balls and nob while i probe your holes with my fingers after a strenuous workout?....yeah, you'd love it
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    No way would I be able to drive home after my workout without a shower. We have individual stalls with individual changing areas in each. They have all amenities and provide towels too so I can shower and head to work. My gym keeps locker room very clean as with the equipment on the floor.
  • Squeer
    I think unisex showers are a cracking idea. Give your right arm a little workout after you've fiinished your proper workout burn a few extra calories off. If there are a few bikes all the better. Gets my vote.
  • thunderseed
    thunderseed Posts: 40 Member
    I don't, because I get in and get out and I usually walk home (about a mile) to "cool down". I don't go in the mornings so it's not anything I have to necessarily worry about - the only one I'm around is my husband and he's usually worse than I am. :laugh:

    Same here, I prefer working out during late day or evenings, I don't live far away so I just walk or bike home to cool down after, and I am a bachellorette so I don't have to worry about smelling bad around my house LoL.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Sometimes I do, I usually shower at home though. I like my home shower.
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Some gym or fitness studios that seem good or if I am way too sweaty, I will def shower. But not everytime.
  • Tortitudekitty
    Tortitudekitty Posts: 67 Member
    I'm lucky I live a 3 minute walk from my gym so I shower at home. I do use the gym showers if I have a post workout sauna or use the steam room though and always wear a pair of Crocs...too much athletes foot, verrucas etc!