Little help with goals

Hi! I just started last night and I was wondering if I could get some opinions. My ultimate goal is to lose 125 lbs. What do you guys think would be good mini goals? Should I try a weekly/monthly type goal or would a weight goal be better, say like 25 lbs lost first goal and so on.

I just want to maximize my chances of doing well and sticking to it.


  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    May I ask how much do you weight now?
  • HotMomma86
    I would suggest monthly goals or bi monthly goals. That seems to work for a lot of people. I am looking to lose about 50 more lbs and I set my goal to 1-2 lbs a week. I know that it will be a day by day process so I like to stick with small weekly goals, if I do monthly goals, I get discouraged easily when I'm a couple pounds off.

    It's basically whatever you feel will keep you going. I know some people set a weight goal for a month and then get discouraged when it doesn't happen so make sure with any goal you set that it is realistic.
    Good luck!!
  • paulettac
    paulettac Posts: 101
    Setting small goals are best for me. I try to set goals like 10 pounds by a certain date (1 month), or 2 pounds per week.
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    I've heard that action goals work better for long term success. Like to exercise at least 3 x week for a month, or eat 5 fruits/veggies daily. The scale can be a beast that can go up and down for strange reasons. Goals like the ones I mentioned help you achieve weight loss, but don't leave you obsessing over the scale.
  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    I would probably say a monthly goal- starting at the beggining of the month and have weekly weigh ins.
  • jAdorelife
    i had 161 lbs to lose when i first started & for some ridiculous reason i made my 1st mini goal 61lbs (which is such a small goal...not) & actually got bummed thinking about how far off my mini goal was. now that i'm about 12lbs away (FINALLY) i'm now only doing 15 lb goals & im not setting a dead line. i also have a small reward for each goal (mani&pedi, massage, road trip with my boyfriend & so on), which makes me even more excitedd! good luck!
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    i started with my current weight. I weigh in on Wednesdays of each week. Then I went on the calendar and marked what my weight would be if I lost 1.5 lbs a week, and then 2. Then i made a list of where I would be (range) if I were to lose 1.5 lbs and 2 lbs per week at the end of each month. I am ahead of my goal because the weight in the beginning came off quickly, but have been stuck for a few weeks. I am still at my first mini goal. (Frustrated, but still there!) You could also do a fitness challenge for yourself. I have been looking at my exercise. My new goal, starting today (but officially recording next week) is to work out for 1 hour each day for 6 days a week. I want to log at least 6 hours per week. For each week that I do 6 or more hours, I reward myself with something from my Amazon wish list (I love DVD's and books that I have been wanting for my library at home). My reward is usually under $10 (Thank you Amazon for making it affordable!).
    Good luck. Just make sure you don't beat yourself up if you don't meet your goals. I know I may be stuck here on this plateau for a while, so if I get behind on my goals, I will adjust my calendar and reset it so that I am not trying to catch up or beat myself up if I don't get it. I think my new goal of 6 hours per week will get me back on track for my weight loss goals. Find something that works for you!!! Good luck!
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    What has been helping me the last couple of weeks is too make one or two goals a week. For example last week my mini goals were 1) loose one pd 2) Excersize 5 days. Its helping and makes this journey not so overwhelming.
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Good Morning and Welcome!!!
    I have close to 100 lbs I was wanting to lose. My goals had to be something I knew I could do. My first goal was just to walk down to the end of the street. I know that doesn't sound like much but I just couldn't do it. It took me almost 1 week before I could. Once I met that goal then my next goal was to walk around the block. That took 2 weeks to do.
    My goals at first were not the pounds coming off but what I could do. Once I started doing things then the lbs were coming off and that is when I started using lbs as my goals. I do both now.
    I now walk over 5 miles and workout at the gym. All things can be just have to take baby steps and don't set your goals so high they are un-attainable....all I know is what works for me. We are all different, just try things out and then you will know what best suits you.
    Good luck and if you want add me.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    If I were you, I would take the goal of 125 and break it into 5- 25 lb goals over a period of 4 months (1.5 lbs/week loss). Then over those 4 months just try and lose steadily. 25 lbs is much more manageable than 125 and you can reward yourself (non-food of course) after each of these! In addition to setting weight loss goals with dates, set some other non-scale goals too. Mine are getting in 6 work outs a week and staying with in 10% of my net calories each day. I also mark these off on a sheet to record my progress. Focusing on HOW you will achieve the weight loss goal rather than the goal itself is motivational when the scale is being mean.

    You CAN do this! When I first started my "ultimate" goal was to lose 20 lbs and now I'm shooting for 50 lbs total loss. Best of luck and add me as a friend, I'd love to hear about how you plan on achieving your goals...if you want tips feel free to look at my food diary or read my blog :-)
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    I currently weight 295 lbs.

    Those are some good ideas and I think small goals is good because they are easier to reach and maybe have a less likely chance of getting bummed out?

    I also had a thought about goals..what about to drop a clothes size? I think I would be really jazzed if I could fit into a size smaller jeans...and that seems like such a small, obtainable goal plus I could reward myself with maybe a new pair of jeans..size smaller? :)..what do you guys think?

    Oh and THANKS for all the replies and support! I feel for the first time in over 10 years that I will actually make it!
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    When we first start, the first 10-20 pounds is usually pretty easy (depending on who we are and how much we have to lose). After that, it gets more difficult.

    I generally set my goals at 5# increments. Generally over a month's duration.

    I really like what someone else said, setting goals in terms of action goals, based on exercise and diet. I am focusing my exercise on getting at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, and sticking to my calorie goal. My biggest goal is to LOG my food. That has been my biggest downfall in the past, and I find that it is what really keeps me on track.