Any nursing mothers who successfully lost weight safely?

So I'm a proud mother to an amazing 3 month old, whom I've been nursing exclusively. I've heard breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day, so it should help with weight loss. I've started training a couple of weeks ago, and I'm still building up my fitness levels.
Pregnancy made me gain 20kg (a lot of pounds lol) and 10cm on my hip and waist.
While my stomach seems to be pulling in, when I weigh myself I either maintain at 95kg or gain a few hundred grams.
I think my problem is eating habits (feel like starving after nursing sessions), any helpful ideas to curb cravings, keep energy levels up, and get fit in a healthy way?


  • ClaresTime
    ClaresTime Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on your baby!

    I suck at dieting but I'm a pro at breastfeeding so might be able to help! Are you sure you're hungry and not thirsty? Nursing always made me feel hungry until i realised I was confusing thirst and hunger so maybe try and increase your fluids.

    I think I read that when exclusively nursing your body needs an extra 300-500 calories a day. With both of my boys I managed to loose quite a bit of weight by eating well and adding extra calories when needed, the trick was making sure the extra calories were in more substantial food like porridge oats, fruit etc and staying away from the easy fix cake cravings ;)
  • farahrahm
    farahrahm Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for replying:)
    I have noticed the thirst thing, I even sleep with water at my bedside, and have started to have a glass water before every meal or snack,. Currently I drink about three and a half litres of water daily. Drinking the extra water helped to decrease snacking a bit.

    Its so hard to eat healthy sometimes when you feel like you dont even have enough time to slice a cucumber lol. Not to mention post partum body image...

    It is comforting to hear that the weight does go back off!
  • 3proud
    3proud Posts: 21 Member
    I drank lots of water and after 4 months (to establish the breastfeeding relationship first), I cut total calories to 1800. I was walking a lot but did not do any other exercise. I lost 15 pounds in about 5 months and got to 126 (5'5") which is about 10 pounds under what I was before pregnancy.

    Then I slacked a bit and ate more (still nursing a lot). For about 6 months or so I have been eating like 2500-3000 total calories and have put on about 5 pounds. In any case, baby is 16 months now and I am trying to lose those 5 pounds again but just cutting 250 cals a day (1/2 pound a week). I give myself 300 for nursing now (she nurses a lot still but drinks/eats other things).....but with my walking eating way more than 1800.

    So you could set your net set to 1500....then eat back exercise PLUS 500-600 for nursing (slower but healthier) or you could cut to 1800. I wouldn't eat lower than 1800 TOTAL until the baby is on solids.

    Hope that helps!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Congratulations on your new baby!

    First off, losing the baby weight takes time... try not to rush it especially if you are nursing. It took me 5-6 months to lose the last 10 lbs.
    You can add 500 calories at first and see where you stand. It is trial and error really... if you are hungry or find your supply taking a toll, up those cals. I ate around 2500 and I was losing so don't be afraid of eating.
    Good luck!
  • liftnlove_
    liftnlove_ Posts: 112 Member
    Honestly, I'd try to just focus on being HEALTHY...don't weigh yourself, don't worry about your weight at all right now. Eat as much as you feel you need, just try to eat nutritious foods, and try to relax. This time with your baby will be over so quickly, and you'll have plenty of time to get your body back in shape, but right now it's your baby's time. :)

    Congrats...and btw, to answer your, I was hugely fat when I was takes time to get back in shape. Don't rush it, it'll be over too soon momma ;)
  • farahrahm
    farahrahm Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice ladies!
  • 5blue1
    5blue1 Posts: 4 Member
    I couldn't lose anything while nursing. no mater what I did. congrats on the new baby.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I agree with liftnlove. Congrats and don't worry about weight loss just yet. Worry about sleep/rest instead. And then worry about balanced nutrition without skimping on fats and protein--good for the baby! You need the rest and good nutrition before any weight loss plan would be effective anyhow. But rest is #1.

    FWIW, I was a couple pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight when I went back to work at 8 weeks and stayed there until I stopped nursing, at which point I dropped another ~5-10lb without doing anything special. At that point, I was under my pre-preg weight but TIRED!!! Trying to lose weight right now could be frustrating to you and not best for your baby's growth, so just give yourself a pass for now and enjoy your infant.
  • AOdell79
    AOdell79 Posts: 94 Member
    Congrats! I breastfed my first for 2 years and my second still nurses and he's 14 months. It's true breastfeeding burns a lot of calories but you really need a steady and plentiful intake of calories and fluids to keep producing milk. I'd just enjoy this time with your baby and worry about it when you wean or when your baby is a year whichever is first. At a year, I dropped my calories to 1500 and it didn't affect my supply. The weight came off the first time and it's coming off again pretty steadily. Good luck!
  • farahrahm
    farahrahm Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you ladies, I will focus on keeping the two of us healthy and well fed :)