Need advice and support on reverse diet :(

So me: history of 2 years of ED. got to a healthy weight 130lbs, and then started to try to reverse as i was only eating like 1000 calories. So in May i got a personal nutritionist and PT, and she's been telling me what to do each week

So at first the reverse dieting was good. I started at 1500. Last month, at 1750ishcalories, I was around 137 and started panicking so I started cutting out small things, just like a slice of bread and an apple and stuff. I gained another 5 pounds!!!!!!!!! So my PT started a cut for a month, and i gained another 3 pounds!!!! WHAT HAPPENED!

I am so so soso uncomfortable right now. Was it because I cut little things at first that I gained even more weight? I didn't give it enough time or something? so the cut was a wrong thing to do?

This past week, I've been having trouble eating foods again, from monday eating 1000 calories, to today eating 1300 calories. Should I stay at 1000 until I get to 130lbs to start over? I'm worried of jumping to 1500 cals and gaining even MORE WEIGHT!!!! I'm ok if that weight is just a weeklong temporary water shift, but I truly cannot mentally deal with anything more

Does anyone know what I should do? or how long:cry: it will take untill my metabolism is better where I can lose actual weight at a healthy calorie level?


  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    If you trust your nutritionist/trainer, let them do their job. If you dont, then its time to look for another one or maybe a dietitian/doctor to get your calories in line for maintaining.

    Dont panic yet. Perhaps something else has changed besides the calorie intake--like activity level, water/hydration, that totm, muscle mass gain, etc. There's a lot that goes on in our bodies and some fluctuation is normal.

    Log everything so your coach has the best idea of what is going on. Best of luck on your journey!