Sodium Saver Tip of the Day

If you're like me you love fajitas. If you're like me you also have mild hypertension and need to watch your sodium.

By substituting corn tortillas for flour you can reduce your sodium intake by approximately 450mg of sodium per fajita (based small flour tortilla @ 510mg ea vs small corn tortilla @ 45mg ea)


  • I should eat some of them...I have the opposite problem of hypotension...I always eat too little salt.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    The corn ones are so much yummier too. :)
  • I recently started making my own homemade tortillas with masa corn flour. I only add a pinch of salt to an entire batch of tortillas and the tortillas are amazing. I know exactly what I am consuming.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    The corn ones are so much yummier too. :)

    I often wonder if people talk like this in real life
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    On the fajita front, you can marinate your chicken in citrus to give you that 'kick' without the sodium. Also, you can use your leftover corn tortillas to make your own chips without salt. Squirt lime juice on them when they're hot from the fryer and you get that zest again, so you dont miss out on the salt.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    The corn ones are so much yummier too. :)

    I often wonder if people talk like this in real life

    LOL, I do! I had to chuckle, since I said that exact thing earlier this week IRL. And, yes, I think corn tortillas > flour tortillas--Yummers! :heart:

    I do have to watch my sodium, too (workin' on this BP, ugh).
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    The corn ones are so much yummier too. :)

    I often wonder if people talk like this in real life

    LOL, I do! I had to chuckle, since I said that exact thing earlier this week IRL. And, yes, I think corn tortillas > flour tortillas--Yummers! :heart:

    I do have to watch my sodium, too (workin' on this BP, ugh).

    "Yummy" is one of those words I see on the internet but never hear in real life.

    Maybe it's because I don't hang around white people.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    The corn ones are so much yummier too. :)

    I often wonder if people talk like this in real life

    I suspect in your real life, much of the communication is in grunts?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I recently started making my own homemade tortillas with masa corn flour. I only add a pinch of salt to an entire batch of tortillas and the tortillas are amazing. I know exactly what I am consuming.

    We picked a tortilla machine in Mexico (saw them using one at a taco stand in LA) but have been too lazy to use it much. Time to head to the tienda and pick up some Maseca!
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    I love corn tortillas (anything corn actually ), I can't eat the wheat ones, but the corn ones are impossible to find in the stores around here. I can buy the flour and have found a place to buy the press after next pay day. Yum can't wait to make some.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I love corn tortillas (anything corn actually ), I can't eat the wheat ones, but the corn ones are impossible to find in the stores around here. I can buy the flour and have found a place to buy the press after next pay day. Yum can't wait to make some.

    You can't find the corn ones locally? I thought they'd be far more available in the GTA than here in sleepy old Ottawa....
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Not now. We used to be able to, but the last time I found them was about 2 years ago. We live in Oakville, I think corn tortillas are too "exotic " for this area lol.