Bring on 30 !! New members looking to lose in thier 30's



  • Thanks for inviting me to the group Kim (KimKoz)! This is awesome and just what I need to expand my MFP friend base... we're all in this together and that's always a good motivator... :) I suppose I should introduce myself, so here goes:

    I will be 30 on June 4th... it's closing in ladies!

    I decided in October to really buckle down and work towards a goal to simply be healthy, fit, and revamp my positive outlook. I figured with 8 months to go-- I could make my 30th birthday the big milestone/goal :) Fast-forward a few months and here we are, nearly 4 months out and I can confidently say I'm well on my way to meet my goal, perhaps surpass it (assuming I can stay focused).

    I ballooned in college, then after realizing that -- dropped about 80lbs. To make it happen, I did Slim-Fast, took Hydroxycut (EEK!), and did step aerobics. I've slowly gained a little over 30 of that back over the years, mainly because I got a little lazy, but also because I went from a fairly active job to one where I sit at a desk (sound familiar ladies!?) and I'm pretty sure my thighs/butt grew with the chair! This time I am doing it right. No more processed meals for dinner while at work (that includes Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines, & Healthy Choice), I gave up diet soda & artificial sweetners (most Crystal Light packets), and am really focusing on protein, complex carbs, lots of veggies, some fruit... :) My fitness goal is a half marathon on February 27th in Orlando, FL. I have never been a runner, but by gosh I WILL DO THIS even if it's the hardest thing I've ever done (and it's looking that way... haha). I can probably say that b/c I don't have kids though... lots of moms in this group would say child-birth tops 13.1 miles! I'm not married either, but someday I hope to get there!

    Glad to be a part of this group - good luck everyone - let's do this! :)

    This explains my journey and my new "Fit & Fabulous" goal....
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Jessmsu81 - Welcome. I turn 30 June 3rd. 13.1 is a huge goal. I just wanted to add that child birth is nothing like a 13.1. No I haven't ran the 13.1 yet but I have given birth twice. Once pregnant, childbirth is going to happen, no changing it but with the race you can stop and quit. It's harder to stay motivated and make yourself do it. No quiting in childbirth so for me weight loss and the marathon are much harder personally. Thats just my opinion. Not that childbirth was a breeze just don't want you to put down your goals because they are definantly hard ones.

    I had a huge success today. I tried on my work dress pants size 10 and they fit !!! I'm in them now. I really do not think I've been in these since having my son 4 years ago. I lost weight quick with him but as soon as I quick my fast pace job for the desk job I gained and went right back to the 12's.. So I'm thrilled to be in 10's after 4 years. Thankfully they are only work pants and black really doesn't go out of style. Now if I could just lose more and get some new cute clothes. I'm tried of baggy sweaters.
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    I had a bad day yesterday, calorie wise. Went to a friend's house for a dinner party and did alright with the food - it's the 3 glasses of red wine and 3 squares of chocolate that put me 431 calories over! And I didn't workout yesterday. Normally (pre-MFP), I would get discouraged and tell myself that this is a fuitless effort, that I will always be fat, and there isn't anything I can do about it. But I realize the truth is that today is a new day. I have the opportunity to do better today. I have a happy hour event tonight. Will power, I need you more than ever! (Fortunately, I haven't a lot of money to spend on a trip to the bar, so I can't overindulge!)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Jess - Good luck with your training. I have done two 10 mile races and while it was one of the hardest things I've done physically (although I have never given birth :) ) it gave me huge satisfaction and I was very proud. It's a little of a love hate thing. The last 2 miles were brutal but now I look back all the time and thing about my perseverance. I am still of the fence about a mini- marathon in April.

    Achart - you're right, we all have bad days. My first weekend of logging, I went over my calories almost 1000 calories on Friday! I hadn't worked out and went for wine after my hair appointment, then dinner with more wine and finished the night off with 3 pints of Bells Winter Ale. And I got up the next day and worked out, ate better (althought still a little over on Saturday), and then worked out again on Sunday and was back on track by Monday. There's not point in beating yourself up over your "bad days". Tomorrow is another chance to do it better. And be proud of all the good things you've done this week! This is coming from someone who is very hard on themselves and is still retraining and trying to find a balance between coming down hard on myself for every little thing and throwing my hands up in the air and saying, "screw it all, I've made too many mistakes, I might as well quit!" Besides, if it was red wine and dark chocolate, at least you got some antioxidants! OH, and stick to wine or vodka an soda with lemon and lime at happy hour. That's my plan for tonight. :)
  • OOps! I forgot my name :) Call me Jaycee!!
    I'm so glad we've got so many mommies on here!
    Now tell me ladies is it just me or do you get the feeling that even when you get back to your pre preggo weight your pants just aren't going to fit the same? Mine fit, but so much differently than before and it's a bit frustrating....

    Anyone use the Wii Zumba game? I keep debating buying it because I'm terrible at leaving my little one and going to the gym. Just don't want to shell out the $40 if it doesn't give an adequete workout.

    Will power to you ladies today!!! I know the lure of a good margarita or cold beer!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Jaycee - Can you possibly rent the game before you buy? I totally forgot there are rental stores still out there when we were debating about buying my son a wii game. Everyone suggested renting first and I'm glad we did. The game we planned on getting would not have worked. I use the wii fit here and there but not a huge fan. I've been wanting to try Zumba.

    Annie - It's a new day. Stay strong at Happy Hour tonight. I still enjoy some drinks here and there but I try and limit to the weekend. I actually went a basketball game last week. Probably drank 4-5 beers, it was a fun day. By the time 5pm rolled around my legs were killing me and my hubby and I determined I was dehyrated. I didn't drink any water just enjoyed the beers at a noon game. I chugged some and took some pain meds and it stopped. I drink way too much water at work weekdays but I find it hard to remember on weekends then mixed with drinks, it wasn't good. We still go out, I just try to work out and eat well weekdays. Heck we were just planning St. Patty's and Winterfest Martini Mix Off.. lol. I'll have to save myself for those days.
  • Bivensgrl
    Bivensgrl Posts: 1 Member
    I want to join this group too! I'm actually friends with Potter Princess and we both just had babies. My daughter is almost 9 months old. When I joined MFP I was still carrying 25 lbs of baby weight. I've since lost a total of 5 an have 20 more to go before June. I'd like to lost the rest before my big 32 bday! I didnt have a big 30th bday because we were getting married, 31 was no biggie because I was a new mommy so hopefully 32 will be a better me! Then my husband and I would like to TTC agan!
  • Karitrad
    Karitrad Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys! I hope you don't mind a 35 year-old joining! I am 5' 1" and I weigh 193 lbs. I met my boyfriend about two years ago and needless to say, we have been very happy ever since. However, this bliss has added about 20 lbs to my slight frame. It's like adding 40 for the average height person! I want to lose 45 lbs this year! I started walking on my elliptical this week and doing one round of sun salutation at a count of five breaths for a cool down. Since Sunday, I have worked out 3 times. Hoping to find a positive and supportive environment here! Let's lose it together!

    My other intersts include cooking, reading, FB, live music and movies.
  • jhann16
    jhann16 Posts: 62
    Hey! I'm hitting 30 at the end of July. My goal is to lose 50 lbs by my 30th birthday. I have 36 lbs left to lose in the next six months. We are going on vacation in a few months and I want to lose 20 more lbs before that and the rest by July. If I do reach my "goal" weight hubby promised to take me back to California for a vacation next year. So that's my inspiration for right now :o)
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Bivengrl - Love your pic, your daughter is so cute. Congrats on trying to lose and perfect timing too before TTC. I'm not sure if we had more of a problem or now TTC #2 due to weight. We had no problems with #1 but #2 took 11 months. Glad you decided to come over.

    Karitrad - Welcome and glad to have you over with us.

    Jhann16 - I want your goal too.. Cali trip would be wonderful.

    Wow, I decided for some motivation to look at pictures from our honeymoon.. I posted one from our wedding shower. I think I was and 8 then. Thats my goal. Am I crazy to think maybe one day I could be in a bikini again, not super skinny. I've always had thights but more athletic thights. Thankfully the kids didn't give me any stretch marks so now its all on me to get this belly flat.
  • jhann16 your puppy is so cute! I've got a mini doxie at home, she's about a year and a half old and a troublemaker!!! But such a sweetheart at the same time!!! She's actually inspiring me to get out and walk more daily because she's getting a big pudgy and thats a big no-no for her breed!
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    Am I the only one on here with a lot of weight to lose (more than 75 pounds, for example)? I suppose I should break it up into goals. My first short-term goal is to have lost 5 pounds by February 28 (my goal settings are for 1 pound per week). Seems like a much smaller mountain to climb than 100 pounds (which is my long-term goal, by the way).
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Annie - If it was me I'd post mini and your ultimate goal. I see alot of people have 1-5 mini goals with dates or rewards on thier signature. Do want ever you think will help you. You'll get to that 100 but celebrate the little milestones on the way.
  • I had a bad day yesterday, calorie wise. Went to a friend's house for a dinner party and did alright with the food - it's the 3 glasses of red wine and 3 squares of chocolate that put me 431 calories over! And I didn't workout yesterday. Normally (pre-MFP), I would get discouraged and tell myself that this is a fuitless effort, that I will always be fat, and there isn't anything I can do about it. But I realize the truth is that today is a new day. I have the opportunity to do better today. I have a happy hour event tonight. Will power, I need you more than ever! (Fortunately, I haven't a lot of money to spend on a trip to the bar, so I can't overindulge!)

    ACHART: We all have "bad" days - you have the right attitude though.... today is a new day and you can ALWAYS shape the outcome of your day and your food journal, you just have to want it bad enough. I took a nutrition class and that was lesson one. Write down the reason you want this change for yourself and REMEMBER it... it will motivate you when you're having a rough one! Next time - savor one glass of red wine and enjoy a piece of DARK chocolate - no guilt... both are filled with antioxidants and in moderation can be your little reward for a great week! :)
    PS - My heaviest was 242, right now I'm 158... so I've been there with a big loss - YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Stay strong!
  • Jessmsu81 - Welcome. I turn 30 June 3rd. 13.1 is a huge goal. I just wanted to add that child birth is nothing like a 13.1. No I haven't ran the 13.1 yet but I have given birth twice. Once pregnant, childbirth is going to happen, no changing it but with the race you can stop and quit. It's harder to stay motivated and make yourself do it. No quiting in childbirth so for me weight loss and the marathon are much harder personally. Thats just my opinion. Not that childbirth was a breeze just don't want you to put down your goals because they are definantly hard ones.

    KIM - That's incredible to hear from a mother of two! You have an interesting perspective, one I hadn't considered. Thank you for the reminder that it's a great achievement that shouldn't be down-played. I tend to do that (maybe just in case I fail and my legs quit working at 12 miles or something, haha). I think at this point I'd crawl across the finish line if I had to... :) Thanks for the encouragement girl :) Love that your birthday is a day before mine - I h ave no doubt that we'll BOTH rock it in our skinny jeans!!!
  • BETTER BALANCE (might have missed your name!!): I couldn't agree more with the love/hate running relationship. My training schedule has me attempting 10 miles this weekend and I'm stressing about it! Once I get to 6-7, all I can think is - am I done yet? LOL But you're totally right... the sense of pride after a long run of "hey - I did it, it wasn't easy and I may collapse, but I DID IT" is such a great feeling! Go for the mini marathon, mind over matter... :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Jess, I'm Ashley. Good luck with the 10 this weekend. I am inching my way up in distance; I really hate distance running really. :) I haven't run 10 since 2008. I got up to 4.75 this week and am upping my distance a quarter mile on my distance days every week. Everything has been so far so good so we'll see! 30 seems a good year to do my first mini.
  • jesneverhome
    jesneverhome Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Quick intro..
    I like to say I'm 25. So dont tell anyone that im...oh gosh 32. I am runner. I've run two full marathons and a getting ready for a half in dallas in March. I was always thin. But I've gained slowly these past two years and now i weigh 151. Id like to get down to 140 as a short term goal then down to 135 long term. Baby steps. This weight is slowing my run time and confidence is at an all time low. My weakness is alcohol. Margaritas and beer. I know where there is a happy hour for almost every day of the week. If i could keep off the Bud LIght Lime.........I could get this weight off. Look forward to reading your stories and hope we all make progress!
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    I've committed to running with a group of people from work 1 day a week. I started running last July and ran my first 5k in November (actually, I ran the first mile, then walked/ran the rest of it). My time was just over 41 minutes. Since I have never run with ice and/or snow on the ground, I've been a little hesitant to run this fact, I haven't gone for a run since Thanksgiving. But I have been assured by my running group that they will never schedule a run when there is ice and/or snow on the path. I'm more afraid of an injury than anything else. What I've realized during this whole running venture is that I really really really enjoy it! I don't enjoy it while I'm doing it, but the second I'm finished and I'm in the house I feel amazing. I started slowly, walking for 90 seconds and running for 60 seconds, but I managed to work up to running for 20 minutes without stopping. Now, I just need to get back into it. And for the first time I will reveal to people who are not my doctor how much I weigh ... (drumroll please) ...On January 25, I weighed in at 236.5 pounds. That is the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I'm 5'4. This is not good. But I am not afraid or discouraged.
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Jesneverhome - Alcohol used to be my problem as well. I love wine and beer. Heck I work for a beer company. lol. Thankfully our group of friends have quickly turned into parents and most do not have assistance of family therefore, no more going out friends. We still have our fun maybe once a month. I have a glass or two of wine on weekends but I don't drink weekdays.

    Annie - Yeah, I'm glad you trust us. It's never good holding things in. You made a huge step signing up with the running group. I still haven't done that. My sister keeps pushing me to join but I like to do things alone. I am going to start in Spring. I have no clue how to train for the 13 so I will need there help. Your size is similiar to my sisters. She is now down to probably 160. She had surgery and then started running. She's ran 2 half and just completed her first full. She run/walks. She did great with the surgery and lost fast but once she was able to start eating again some came back so now she realizes running is the best for her. She did and I know you can too.
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