Knocking down the pounds

New college year.
RA stated "gaining the freshman 15 was pretty much mandatory"
I said, NO WAY and said, "I'm loosing it instead"! So I'm here...


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Good for you! My freshman 15 snowballed into a mess. Finally healthy again. Add me and I'll support you.
  • creativeace
    thanks. I will. :D my RA said it was actually 'pretty much mandatory' and that just spurred me to make it NOT mandatory.
  • tehmurphygrace
    Your topic is awesome. The freshman 15 is not mandatory. Although I gained all my weight AFTER college! Good for you for breaking the mold! Feel free to add me,I'd love to know how it goes!

    Peace :)