Hi folks - I'm a newbie here

Well, after losing about 20 pounds, and a zillion more to go, I found this place. What a great setup! Before, I was just flying by the seat of my pants, but now I'm tracking calories, my workouts, and my overall progress. A week of this, and I went down a belt notch! :)
I've seen some of the posts of others, and the folks here seem to actually care, and want to help. Bravo! I would like to add myself to that group.

As a noob, I have a lot to learn, but I wave hello to all, and welcome the interaction!

Take care all, and never give up! :)


  • Welcome wawster!

    Yeah, tracking what you eat is the foundation of any change you set out to make. Some days you may wake up and not feel up to weighing everything or entering info in, but do it anyway. You'll be glad you did. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
  • Thanks Calren!
    I'm getting in the habit now - it'll take a bit longer to make it ingrained. But along the way, I won't hesitate to ask!
    Right nbow, it's at the "Not sure what to ask" stage :)

    But I'll get there!