Calories remaining going down mysteriously?

Ello. :)

So for the past couple of days my calories remaining has been acting weird. I wear a Fitbit and I log my food and stuff. I know that when my Fitbit syncs my calories remaining sometimes goes up, and when I log food my calories remaining goes down.

Today is fairly typical for the last few days, I think. I ate and logged and had 25 calories remaining on my Android app. Two hours later, I check the MFP website and it says -4 calories remaining. How am I suddenly over, when I haven't eaten or logged food or anything? And this isn't the first time it's happened. o.O

Edit: I just refreshed the home page and it says -14 calories remaining. What is going on?

Edit: And now it's -21.


  • wallelf1
    wallelf1 Posts: 36 Member
    Fitbit and MFP "talk" to each other throughout the day. MFP gives you calories based on what Fitbit relays you've done throughout the day. If you sit on your butt for a couple of hours, those calories start to degrade. Try running in place for a minute or two, then resync. You should earn some of those calories back for the activity.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    Go into food and exercise settings and disable negative calorie adjustment