What will be the result if this is a normal day?

So my main goal is to lose weight, but I am also trying to build muscle. I know it's hard to do both at the same time, but my muscle building goals aren't as important as my weight loss. That being said, I like to lift weights so I tend to spend a lot of time doing that. I'm wondering, what will be the result if my normal day is as follows (I am vegetarian btw hence the veggie stuff)

Breakfast: Honey bunches of oats and 1% milk
Lunch: Vegetarian chicken salad on two pieces of italian bread with one slice of provelone
1.5 mile run (fast pace), 30 mins of HIIT on elliptical
1 hour of intense lifting (Mon. bis and tris, Wed. chest. Fri. shoulders and back Sat. legs abs 5 days a week
Protein powder sccop in 1% milk w/ tbsp of peanut butter
Dinner: two veggie burgers, one slice of italian bread
3-5 bottles of water a day

Eating about 1900-2200 calories, burning about 300-500 so netting like 1600-1700 usually

The lifting and consuming the higher calorie protein shake after I lift wont hinder my weight loss will it as long as I am still eating that few calories? And i will still build some type of muscle from that hard work despite the few calories? Does this seem like a decent routine for the most part?


  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    It's all trial and error really, try it out for a few weeks and depending on the results tweak the diet and calorie intake from there. Your weight loss shouldn't hinder your weight loss though you haven't mentioned what your BMR is approximately so it's a bit hard to comment on this. What will end up happening is you'll gain muscle so you may notice some weight gain initially though it shouldn't be much, and you'll then notice fat loss/weight loss afterwards. Slow and steady is better than having high expectations of losing quickly so if the scale doesn't move but you're losing inches you're still losing unwanted weight
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Highly unlikely you'll gain any muscle while in a calorie deficit.

    You mentioned you're eating about 1900-2200 calories a day. 300 calories is a big difference. Pick a calorie goal and stick to it. Don't constantly go over "only about" 300 calories.

    In the split that you've outlined, you're only hitting each muscle group once a week. Why not hop on a full body routine and hit each muscle group 3x a week instead? Full body is a good place to start, especially for beginners.

    I also think you're overdoing the cardio. You're going all out from the very beginning for absolutely no reason. A 2 mile run and then an extra 30 minutes of high intensity cardio is probably unnecessary. I lost about 70lbs from diet and lifting alone, no cardio. Only once my weight loss stalled did I include cardio.. and even then, only 20 minutes twice a week. That was enough to get the weight to start coming off again. So my point is.. start off slow, learn your body, adjust gradually. Go 0-100 from the very beginning and you'll most likely quit before you reach your goal like most beginners.
  • What I meant is that depending on how many calories I burn, I eat those back. I try to net 1650 a day, so if I burn 500 I eat 2150, if I don't work out that day I eat 1650. see what I mean?
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    What I meant is that depending on how many calories I burn, I eat those back. I try to net 1650 a day, so if I burn 500 I eat 2150, if I don't work out that day I eat 1650. see what I mean?

    Oh yea I get it now.

    I still think you can get away with doing less cardio and you'll still lose weight. You can readjust once weight loss stalls.